Emphasizes entity-relationship diagramming

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13784055

This week we will see the techniques used to structure the data requirements for an information system application as the textbook and lecture notes emphasizes entity-relationship (E-R) diagramming, the most common notation used by practicing systems and data analysts. You will see how E-R diagramming is used along with process and logic modeling techniques to develop a thorough, unambiguous description of system requirements. In addition to the standard constructs of the E-R model (entities, attributes, and relationships), the data-oriented questions that should be raised during requirements determination will be discussed in our online discussions. In essence, the Conceptual Modeling process looks at how the data is structured and what the characteristics of the data are. What characteristics of data are represented in an E-R diagram?

Reference no: EM13784055

Questions Cloud

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Emphasizes entity-relationship diagramming : This week we will see the techniques used to structure the data requirements for an information system application as the textbook and lecture notes emphasizes entity-relationship (E-R) diagramming,
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