Reference no: EM133005689
Devi reluctantly reported for the training on the new software in the Quality Control department. Devi was afraid that she may not be able to grasp the training and would look foolish in front of the rest of the team. She was good at her work but was a slow learner and did not want to expose herself to new learning for fear of appearing less intelligent than the rest of the team.
Harish, the trainer began the session, with his usual confident tone. Within a few minutes, he began asking questions to the group of trainees. As was to be expected, Devi was absolutely silent. Some of the trainees were very enthusiastic and kept answering the questions that were thrown to the class.
After about one hour, Harish began calling out the names of the trainees who had not answered any questions. When Devi's name was called out, she was already nervous. She was not able to answer the question and turned red in the face. Harish repeated his question and asked her if she was unable to understand such basics. Devi remained silent. He asked her two or three similar questions in a tone that was bound to embarrass her. When it got too much for her, Devi ran out of the classroom.
One of the other trainees went out after her and found her crying in the washroom. Devi refused to return to the classroom. Harish did not ask about her and continued the class in the same style. A few trainees who were upset about the way in which Devi had been treated became somewhat hostile and the atmosphere in the training room changed from energetic and positive to heavy and quiet.
Later in the day, Harish reported to the HR department that Devi had abandoned the training of her own free will.
Analyze the above incident with reference to the Emotional Intelligence model and share your suggestions as to how Harish could have managed the situation better as well as what action you think that the HR department should take.