Emissions testing in car

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Reference no: EM13148422

Proposal Paper

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Topic: I am against Emissions Testing on Cars

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Testing the Air

What is emissions testing in cars? Does emissions testing on cars actually improve air quality all over the world? These questions are something that should be considered before society decides to do emissions testing in cars. Emissions testing in cars is when a vehicle is required to get checked for hazardous materials that escape from a motor vehicle. If the vehicle does not reach a certain standard after it has been tested then the vehicle has a certain time to get the problem fixed and the vehicle is not allowed to be driven in that area until the problem is corrected. If getting these vehicles tested does not change then the world all together then why does it matter to test only certain locations? If the Clean Air Amendment require more emissions testing; then the emissions testing will reduce air problems in a certain location, but also cause many people problems.

Tiny amounts of research has been done about air quality. A lot of research has been done by many places to help reduce air pollution from cars with bad emissions. The Environmental Protection Agency, EPA says that emissions testing on vehicles are the cause of one fourth of Chicago’s carbon monoxide emissions level. In this paper it shows how that emissions testing on cars is not going to change the air quality of the entire world. Why make certain locations do emissions testing and cause certain groups of people a hardship. The necessity of the testing may not be really necessary. No study was attempted to find the world air quality and if cars emissions are actually a big problem in the entire world even in certain locations.

This paper is organized as following; paragraph four is information about the emissions testing program in different locations. Paragraph five will present air quality to certain vehicle regulations. The paragraph will explain how emissions testing in vehicles cause’s hardships and it unnecessary if vehicles emissions are not cause a big part of the entire world poor airs quality.

A typical emissions test procedure is correct and repair or replace a common tune-up problem of the engine. In about (amount of states) they are doing emissions testing. Most of these places are large cities and have a large amount of population. In these locations it is law for a person to bring their registered car in every two years for testing. Each emissions test has passing criteria based on the type of year and model of a person’s vehicle.

Reference no: EM13148422

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