Emergency room with complaint of constipation

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133644039


The patient is a 62-year-old gentleman who presents to the emergency room with complaint of constipation. He has not had a bowel movement for about 6 days. He has maybe had a little bit of constipation in the past but nothing like this. He is passing gas. No nausea or vomiting. He has been eating. He has some cramping that gets up to an 8 on a scale of 1-10. It is mainly in the mid to lower abdomen. He has not had any fever, chills, or sweats. CPT CODES.



Reference no: EM133644039

Questions Cloud

Atrial fibrillation gordon functional health patterns : Medical Diagnosis: Atrial Fibrillation Gordon's Functional Health Patterns Patient Assessment Findings Health Perception-Management
Mucosal ulceration of duodenal or gastric area : Stress ulcer is the term given to the acute mucosal ulceration of the duodenal or gastric area that occurs after physiologically stressful events,
Explain the patient position and the examiner position : Explain the patient position, the examiner position, and the goniometer position in order to assess glenohumeral flexion.
Productive cough with brown sputum : In March, James, an 80 year old resident of a New Jersey nursing home, had a fever accompanied by a productive cough with brown sputum.
Emergency room with complaint of constipation : The patient is a 62-year-old gentleman who presents to the emergency room with complaint of constipation.
Encourage open communication : Encourage open communication: Encourage the new mother to discuss their feelings, concerns, and needs.
Incorporate christian world view : Describe how you will incorporate the Christian World View into your nursing theory integration practice.
Disorders are different from communicable diseases : Gene-based diseases or disorders are different from communicable diseases because they can impact others in the same biological family than just the patient
Fundamental aspect of the research process : Rewrite Validation of research and its findings is a fundamental aspect of the research process.


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