Email viruses are typically launched by people

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13166962

Email viruses are typically launched by people who modify header information to hide their identity. Brightmail's Enrique Salem says that in the future, your email reader will authenticate the sender before putting the message in your inbox. That way, you will know the source of all the emails you read. Alan Nugent of Novell says: "I'm kind of a fan of eliminating anonymity if that is the price for security." Do you think eliminating anonymity will make computers more secure? Do you agree or disagree with Nugent's statement? Why or why not? Discuss!

Reference no: EM13166962

Questions Cloud

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Email viruses are typically launched by people : Email viruses are typically launched by people who modify header information to hide their identity. Brightmail's Enrique Salem says that in the future
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The computerization of health records : A health care issue that has been in the news lately is the computerization of health records. This probability is being approached cautiously because of sensitive privacy and security concerns, among others.


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