Reference no: EM132528145
ELEN2000 Electrical Circuits - Curtin University
Part 1 - Using the measured results obtained in section 4, plot measured |H(jω)| (since Vin(jω) = 1∠0 then |H(jω)| = Vout(jω) and is equal to the peak-to-peak voltage measured at the output) and ∠H(jω) vs ω noting critical values (e.g. 3dB frequency and |H(jω)| roll off rate). Compare the experimentally obtained results for the frequency response of the RC circuit with those obtained using circuit analysis techniques. Do this by
• Confirming that the RC time constant of the circuit relates to the 3dB frequency.
• Confirming the roll off rate of |H(jω)| at frequencies much greater than the 3dB frequency is -20dB/decade of frequency.
• Confirm ∠H(jω) at frequencies much less than the 3dB frequency tends to 0°, is -45° at the 3dB frequency and trends to the value of -90o at frequencies much greater than the 3dB frequency.
Provide an explanation for any discrepancies between measured and calculated results.
Part 2 - Using the measured results obtained in section 5, plot measured |H(jω)| and ∠H(jω) vs ω noting critical values (e.g.3dB frequency and |H(jω)| ramp up rate). Compare the experimentally obtained results for the frequency response of the CR circuit with those obtained using circuit analysis techniques. Do this by
• Confirming that the CR time constant of the circuit relates to the 3dB frequency.
• Confirming the ramp up rate of |H(jω)| at frequencies much less than the 3dB frequency is 20dB/decade of frequency.
• Confirm ∠H(jω) at frequencies much less than the 3dB frequency tends to 90°, is 45° at the 3dB frequency and trends to the value of 0° at frequencies much greater than the 3dB frequency.
Provide an explanation for any discrepancies between measured and calculated results.
Part 3 - Using the measured results obtained in section 6, plot measured |H(jω)| and ∠H(jω) vs ω noting critical values (e.g.3dB frequency and |H(jω)| roll off rate). Compare the experimentally obtained results for the frequency response of the LR circuit and compare with
those obtained using circuit analysis techniques. Do this by
• Confirming that the L/R time constant of the circuit relates to the 3dB frequency.
• Confirming the roll off rate of |H(jω)| at frequencies much greater than the 3dB frequency is -20dB/decade of frequency.
• Confirm ∠H(jω) at frequencies much less than the 3dB frequency tends to 0o, is -45° at the 3dB frequency and trends to the value of -90° at frequencies much greater than the 3dB frequency.
Provide an explanation for any discrepancies between measured and calculated results.
Part 4 -
Using the measured results obtained in section 7d, plot measured |H(jω)| and ∠H(jω) vs ω noting critical values (e.g.3dB frequency and |H(jω)| roll off rate). Compare the experimentally obtained results for the frequency response of the LCR circuit and compare with those obtained using circuit analysis techniques. Do this by
• Confirming that the values of L, R and C relate to the damping frequency. Is the output response over damped or under damped? How can you tell?
• Compare the measured value of |H(jω)| at the damping frequency (|H(jω)| ≈ 2.7) to the value calculated (|H(jω)| ≈ 4.7). You will see they are quite different and is accounted for by the series 15? resistance inherent in the inductor design. Do a PSPICE simulation to confirm this is the case.
• Confirming the roll off rate of |H(jω)| at frequencies much greater than the damping frequency is -40dB/decade of frequency.
• Confirm ∠H(jω) at frequencies much less than the 3dB frequency tends to 0°, is -90° at the damping frequency and trends to the value of -180° at frequencies much greater than the damping frequency.
Provide an explanation for any discrepancies between measured and calculated results.
• Compare the value of the 3dB frequency obtained in the critically damped case to that obtained in the under-damped case.
• Compare the value of the 3dB frequency obtained in the over-damped damped case to that obtained in the under-damped case.
Attachment:- Electrical Circuits.rar