Elements of the purpose concept of fiscal law

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133215853

ACC Appropriation Analysis

In order to gain an appreciation of one of the major inputs to the PPBE process, the essential elements of the purpose concept of Fiscal Law, the 'color of money', and the basic building blocks of PPBE--a group practical exercise will offer an opportunity to examine selected Army Appropriations.  Group assignments will be announced in class. 

1.  Selected appropriations include:

Military Personnel, Army (MPA)

Reserve Personnel, Army (RPA)

National Guard Personnel, Army (NGPA)

2. Develop a thorough understanding of their appropriations, addressing the following:

  1. What is the relationship between this appropriation and other appropriations? (i.e., MPA pays for SROTC cadet pay and uniforms--OMA pays for SROTC scholarships, and Ammo buys ammunition--OMA pays for the management of the ammunition as well as transportation).
  2. Make an oral presentation, supplemented with visual aids,

Source material: Army Budget Materials and DFAS-IN Manual 37-100-22 (available on ASA (FM&C) web site).

Power-point format

Reference no: EM133215853

Questions Cloud

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Elements of the purpose concept of fiscal law : In order to gain an appreciation of one of the major inputs to the PPBE process, the essential elements of the purpose concept of Fiscal Law, the 'color of mone
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Review the negotiating globally : Review the Chapter on "Negotiating Globally," (Adler with Gundersen, 2008: Chapter), and the styles of persuasion in negotiating (page 225).


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