Elements of performance management systems

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Reference no: EM133827606

Assessment Tasks

Monitor staff performance

Knowledge Assessment

Question 1
Answer the following questions about monitoring staff performance.
Your responses must be in 50 words or more.

In your own words, describe at least one of the roles of monitoring staff performance in carrying out performance management systems.

In your own words, describe at least one importance of monitoring staff performance in carrying out performance management systems.

Question 2
Answer the following questions about feedback in performance management systems.
Your responses must be in 50 words or more.

a. In your own words, describe at least one role of feedback in monitoring staff performance in carrying out performance management systems.

In your own words, describe at least one importance of feedback in carrying out performance management systems.

Question 3
Answer the following questions about coaching in performance management systems.
Your responses must be in 50 words or more.

In your own words, describe at least one role of coaching in carrying out performance management systems.

In your own words, describe at least one importance of coaching in carrying out performance management systems.

Question 4
Complete the table below about the potential solutions to staff performance issues by explaining how each solution applies in the workplace.
Your responses must be in 50 words or more.

Potential solutions to staff performance issues

Additional training
Adjusting workload
Agreeing on short-term goals for improvement
Assisting with problems outside of the workplace
Reorganising workplace practices

Question 5
Access your workplace's policies and procedures relevant to performance appraisal interviews.
Answer the following questions about your workplace policies and procedures for performance appraisal interviews.

Identify the title of your workplace's policy and procedure for performance appraisal interviews.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to performance appraisal interviews.

Outline all the procedures relevant to performance appraisal interviews.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to performance appraisal interviews in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Question 6
Access your workplace's policies and procedures relevant to formal performance management.
Answer the following questions about your workplace policies and procedures for formal performance management.

Identify the title of your workplace's policy and procedure for formal performance management. Get Instant Answers to this problem!

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to formal notification of staff members of formal performance management.

Outline all the procedures relevant to formal notification of staff members of formal performance management.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the formal notification of staff members of formal performance management in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to formal notification of management of formal performance management.

Outline all the procedures relevant to formal notification of management of formal performance management.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the formal notification of management of formal performance management in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to the invited participation of appropriate people for formal performance management.

Outline all the procedures relevant to the invited participation of appropriate people for formal performance management.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the invited participation of appropriate people for formal performance management.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Question 7
Answer the following questions about your workplace policies and procedures for counselling sessions.

Identify the title of your workplace's policy and procedure for counselling sessions.
Identify at least one policy statement relevant to formal notification of staff members of counselling sessions.
Outline all the procedures relevant to formal notification of staff members of counselling sessions
In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the formal notification of staff members of counselling sessions in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.    

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to formal notification of management of counselling sessions.
Outline all the procedures relevant to formal notification of staff members of counselling sessions.
In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the formal notification of management of counselling sessions in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to the invited participation of appropriate people for counselling sessions.

Outline all the procedures relevant to the invited participation of appropriate people for counselling sessions.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to the invited participation of appropriate people for counselling sessions in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to organising an appropriate location for counselling sessions.

Outline all the procedures relevant to organising an appropriate location for counselling sessions.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to organising an appropriate location for counselling sessions in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.     

Question 8

Access your workplace's policies and procedures relevant to grievances.
Answer the following questions about your workplace policies and procedures for grievances.

Identify the title of your workplace's policy and procedure for grievances.

Identify at least one policy statement relevant to grievances.

Outline all the procedures relevant to grievances.

In your own words, explain how the identified policy and procedure applies to grievances in the workplace.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.    

Question 9
Complete the table below about performance appraisal methods.
Identify the four performance appraisal methods used in monitoring staff performance.
A performance appraisal method is an approach used in assessing an employee's performance.
In your own words, explain the usage of each performance appraisal method in monitoring staff performance

Question 10
In your own words, explain why performance appraisals are used in performance management systems.
Your response must be in 50 words or more.

Question 11
Read the scenarios provided below about the different forms of guidance and support that help enhance staff performance.
Answer the questions that follow.

Scenario 1
John is the manager of La Bellissima, an Italian restaurant located within The Continent Hotel. One of his tasks involves providing support to his employees to help make sure that they are performing to their best capacity.
John has observed that in the past month, one of his employees, Arthur, has shown the potential to contribute more to the workplace. As a front-of-house staff, Arthur has received multiple commendations from customers and staff. He has performed with little to no errors or wastage and is constantly enthusiastic about working.
John is considering nominating Arthur for a promotion. He would like to speak to Arthur about his performance and advise him on the development and training opportunities the organisation can offer to prepare him for his new role.
Identify one reason why John considered Arthur for a promotion.
In your own words, explain how advising the staff on training and development opportunities can help enhance staff performance in this situation.     

Scenario 2
Kyla is the manager of Lattetude, a café located within The Continent Hotel. She oversees all aspects of the café's operations. This includes sales, preparation, planning, and hiring.
Just recently, Kyla hired a new assistant manager for the cafe. The new assistant manager, May, has years of experience as an assistant manager for a fast food chain. In Lattetude, she is tasked to manage employee shifts and filtering through applicant documents.
Within her first week of work at Lattetude, May has been able to provide the necessary aid to Kyla. However, Kyla feels that May's performance needs improvement due to the following:
Faulty shift plotting, wherein there were not enough staff during the hotel's peak hour
Misguided applicant filtering, wherein a qualified candidate was rejected
Kyla plans to meet with May to refresh her on Lattetude's organisational objectives. She would also like to discuss her key performance requirements as assistant manager.
Identify the two areas of May's performance that need further improvement.

In your own words, explain how confirming organisational objectives and key performance requirements with the staff can help enhance their performance in this situation.

Scenario 3
May is the newly hired assistant manager at Lattetude, a cafe located within The Continent Hotel. Her tasks at Lattetude include managing employee shifts and filtering through applicant documents.
She has experience as an assistant manager in fast food establishments. However, it is her first time working in a hotel cafe. Her manager, Kyla, informed her that some aspects of her performance fell short of their expectations. Kyla reminded her of Lattetude's objectives, and her personal key performance requirements.
To ensure that these will be addressed, May requested for additional support to aid her learning. She was provided with the following resources:
Employee handbook
Policies and procedures related to the organisation's objectives and key performance requirements
However, she was informed that she may request for additional resources such as mentoring or training as the need arises.

Identify the four resources Lattetude is willing to provide to May to aid her learning.
In your own words, explain how ensuring adequate resources are applied can help enhance the staff's performance in this situation.

Scenario 4
Nicole is a reception manager at The Continent Hotel, a four-star hotel located in Australia. Her tasks include managing and mentoring the reception team. Primarily, she makes sure that all her employees carry out their duties accordingly.
In the past weeks, The Continent Hotel has hosted back-to-back corporate events. This ranged from conferences to company excursions. That is on top of their already busy schedules, given the current peak season. As a result, Nicole and the remainder of the reception team have been feeling exhausted due to the stress. Several receptionists have shown declining performance in the past few days, while others have called in sick or have filed a leave.
Nicole decided to hold a meeting with all the team members individually to check in on how everyone was doing. She did this in order to give each employee an opportunity to discuss how they feel and what challenges they are currently facing.

Identify the two factors that have contributed to the stress of The Continent Hotel's reception team.

In your own words, explain how providing staff with opportunities to discuss work challenges can help enhance the staff's performance in this situation.

Scenario 5
Nicole is a reception manager at The Continent Hotel, a four-star hotel located in Australia. Her tasks include managing and mentoring the reception team. Primarily, she makes sure that all her employees carry out their duties accordingly.
Her team has been greatly affected by the influx of clients in the past few weeks. Several of her receptionists have shown declining performance and have even called in sick or filed a leave. After conversing with each of the staff members to gather their concerns, she came to the following conclusion:
Newer staff members felt overwhelmed by the work distribution for the past few weeks.
Majority of the staff members have yet to recover from the fatigue.
As a team, they discussed what potential solutions can be implemented to address this in the future. The solutions raised are as follows:
Senior staff members felt like the reception team could gather more manpower for these occasions.
Newer staff members requested for training to handle these types of situations.
She plans to present this at the weekly managerial meeting for administrative staff. She hopes that through this, other teams will be made aware of the issues the reception team is facing. Hopefully, this can lead to better notification and system for the next wave of corporate events.
Identify the two main concerns Nicole concluded were present within her team.

Identify the two suggestions made by Nicole's team members.

In your own words, explain how representing your staff's interest in other forums can help enhance their performance in this situation.

Scenario 6
Kelly is an assistant tour guide at New Escapes, one of The Continent Hotel's affiliate tour agencies. Her tasks involve assisting senior tour guides in facilitating wildlife and park tours by doing the following:
Discussing various fun facts relevant to their destination
Assuring the tour group stays intact
Distributing tour materials
Practicing hygiene and safety procedures during the course of the tour
Because of Kelly's excellent work as a junior tour guide, her general manager, Margaux, nominated her for promotion to lead tour guide. This new work role requires Kelly to lead and coordinate her own wildlife and park tours. She needs to gather updated information on their various destinations and deliver them in a jolly and enthusiastic manner. She also needs to work with her own team of assistant tour guides.
To ensure the transition from assistant to lead tour guide is smooth, Margaux decided to keep a close eye on Kelly even after her formal training. She constantly provided confirmation when Kelly did things right. She also made sure to give corrective feedback once she notices Kelly is about to make a mistake.
Identify the two ways Margaux guided Kelly in carrying out her new tasks.

In your own words, explain how providing staff with confirmation and corrective feedback can help enhance the staff's performance in this situation.

Scenario 7
Andie is a travel agent at the tour agency, New Escapes. Her tasks involve managing bookings and accommodating client inquiries. She is also tasked with making sure that their website and listings on travel platforms are constantly up to date. Andie works alongside Margaux, the general manager, and Kelly, a newly promoted lead tour guide.

Andie is a model employee who works well with the team. Her attitude at work is excellent, and she constantly meets her sales goals. However, she has been acting differently in the past three days. She no longer remains jolly and accommodating, and she makes scheduling errors that she has never made before. On top of that, she does not communicate well with the rest of the staff. This affects both her work and general operations as they find it difficult to coordinate tasks.

As the manager, Margaux decided to approach Andie to see what was bothering her. She learned that just a few days prior, Andie and Kelly had a heated argument over a booking error for one of their clients. Since then, they have not been speaking.

Margaux decided to speak to both Andie and Kelly to let them know that she was there to listen whenever they were ready to open up. Gradually, both women were able to, and Margaux was able to investigate the situation further.
Identify three aspects of Andie's performance that have been affected by her argument with Kelly.     
In your own words, explain how supporting difficult interpersonal situations can help enhance staff performance in this situation.

Question 12
Answer the questions below about the key elements of performance management systems.
Each response must be 50 words or more.

Methods of collecting performance data
In your own words, describe each type of assessment provided below.
Peer assessments

Team assessments
In your own words, explain why organisations use a SWOT analysis in collecting performance data.

Methods of interpreting performance data
In your own words, explain why performance data must be interpreted when monitoring employee performance.
In your own words, explain the two methods of interpreting performance data provided below.
Quantitative data interpretation
Qualitative data interpretation
Processes for performance appraisal interviews
In your own words, explain why employees must follow the established processes for performance appraisal interviews.

Question 13
Answer the questions below about performance standards.

In your own words, explain why productivity indicators are used in monitoring employee performance.
Your response must be 50 words or more.
Identify one example of each of the following productivity indicators.
Quality indicators

Strategic indicators

Profitability indicators

Capacity indicators

Practical Assessment

Task 1: Establish Standards of Performance
Task 2: Conduct a Performance Appraisal
Task 3: Reward Staff Member's Performance
Task 4: Address Staff Member's Training and Coaching Needs
Task 5: Follow up on Staff Member's Performance
You are required to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an environment with conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow these instructions to complete the assessment. Each task will require you to either:
Submit completed workplace templates and/or any required documentation; or
Demonstrate task requirements while being observed by the assessor.
Some tasks may include both requirements. These will serve as evidence of your task completion.
You are required to:
Monitor the performance of at least three staff members
Follow organisational procedures in facilitating performance appraisals, consultations and counselling
Document the acquired information in the appropriate workplace templates

Task 1: Establish Standards of Performance
While being observed by your assessor, relay information on the organisation's expected standards of performance to at least three staff members.
Access and review organisational documents relevant to the following:
Standards of performance in the workplace
Scope and responsibilities of the different staff members in the workplace
Policies and procedures for consultation with employees
Identify at least three staff members to monitor.
For each staff member:
Organise a consultation by completing a meeting agenda to establish the following information:
Purpose of meeting
Name of attendee
Name of facilitator
Date of meeting
Time of meeting
Venue or medium of meeting
Agenda items
This must correspond to the following:
Standards of performance applicable to the staff member's work role
Specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for each identified standard of performance which the staff member is required to meet
Use your organisation's template for documenting meeting agendas, or you may use the Meeting Agenda template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
Send an invitation for consultation to each colleague.

Facilitate a consultation with the staff member. Your consultation must relay the following information:
Standards of performance relevant to each staff member's work role.
The standards of performance relayed in this step must correspond to any of the standards indicated in the preliminary task.
Specific key performance indicators (KPIs) for each identified standard of performance.
The key performance indicators (KPIs) relayed in this step must correspond to the KPIs identified in Step 3.
Practical knowledge of:
Organisational standards of performance
Appropriate communication mechanisms for workplace communication
Practical skills relevant to using appropriate communication mechanisms to relay organisational standards of performance

Task 2: Conduct a Performance Appraisal
This task requires you to investigate and appraise the performance of at least three staff members.
PART A: Prepare for Performance Appraisal Meeting
Access and review the following:
Organisational documents or sources of information that contain the scope and responsibilities of the different staff members in the workplace
Organisational policies and procedures for storing performance appraisal documents
Workplace policies and procedures relevant to conducting performance appraisal meetings
For each staff member,
Identify their basic information.
Complete the Staff Member Information section in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
Identify the information relevant to their performance appraisal meeting.
In doing this, you must identify the following:
Date of performance appraisal
Period of appraisal
Standards of performance relevant to the staff member's work role.
The standards of performance identified in this step must correspond to the standards of performance identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1.
Key performance indicators (KPI) for each standard of performance identified.
The key performance indicators identified in this step must correspond to the key performance indicators identified in Workplace Assessment Task 1.
Partially complete the Assessment of Staff Member's Performance (First Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.

Describe the staff member's performance through an independent internal performance investigation.
Complete the Assessment of Staff Member's Performance (First Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at The Continent Hotel site.
PART B: Conduct Structured Performance Appraisal Meeting
Relay the following information to the staff member:
Standards of performance relevant to the staff member's work role.
The standards of performance identified in this step must correspond to the standards of performance identified in Step 3.
Key performance indicators (KPI) for each standard of performance identified.
The key performance indicators identified in this step must correspond to the key performance indicators identified in Step 3.
Investigate the candidate's performance in the workplace.
In doing this, you must identify:
At least one area of satisfactory performance
At least one area for improvement
Complete the first Candidate Performance Overview field in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
Identify the following information with the staff member:
At least one highlight of the staff member
At least one lowlight of the staff member
Provide feedback on each item identified above

Identify and discuss the following information with the staff member:
At least one area for improvement
This must be related to the standards of performance and KPIs relayed in Step 5.
At least one factor that contributes to the performance deficiency
The target performance the staff member is expected to achieve
At least one action item to be taken in order to reach the identified target performance, including training or coaching
The target date of completion for each action item identified
Date of next performance appraisal
Complete the Personnel Self-Assessment (First Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal plan. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
File the staff member's Performance Appraisal document.
Practical knowledge of:
Organisational policies and procedures for facilitating performance appraisals
Forms of guidance and support available in the workplace
Practical skills in facilitating a performance appraisal and communicating information on the staff member's performance.

Task 3: Reward Staff Member's Performance
This task requires you to reward the achievements and outstanding performance to the staff members who have undergone performance appraisal.
Access and review the following:
Organisational policies and procedures for performance rewards
The partially completed Performance Appraisal document from Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Identify the following across the three staff members appraised:
At least two achievements
At least one outstanding performance
The achievements or outstanding performance identified here must be based on the partially completed Performance Appraisal document from Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Issue each reward to each staff member.
Practical knowledge of organisational policies and procedures for rewarding performance.
Practical skills in assessing organisational standards of performance and determining achievements and outstanding performance.
Before starting this task, review the Workplace Assessment Task 3 - Assessor's Checklist provided along with this workbook. This form lists the criteria your submission must address to complete this task satisfactorily.
Organise workplace resources required for you to complete this assessment.
Advise you on the time and location of the assessment.
Discuss with you the practical skills listed in the Observation Form prior to the assessment.
Address your queries and concerns regarding this task.

Task 4: Address Staff Member's Training and Coaching Needs
This task requires you to address the performance for at least three staff members who have undergone performance appraisal.
Access and review the following:
Organisational policies and procedures for training
The partially completed Performance Appraisal document from Workplace Assessment Task 2.
PART A: Identify Training Needs
For each staff member,
Identify the areas of performance that have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of the staff member's work role.
The areas of performance identified here must correspond to the Areas of Satisfactory Performance and Staff Member's Highlights established in the partially completed Performance Appraisal document from Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Complete a Training and Coaching Plan document by identifying the following information:
Name of the staff member
Work area of staff member
Work role of staff member
At least one gap in skill to be addressed by training or coaching
At least one gap in knowledge to be addressed by training
Associated standard of performance
Type of training or coaching required
Outline of training or coaching
Expected outcome of training or coaching
Name of facilitator or coach
Use your organisation's template for constructing training and coaching plans, or you may use the Training and Coaching Plan template provided at the Continent Hotel site.

Task 5: Follow up on Staff Member's Performance
Conduct a second performance appraisal meeting to follow up on the current performance of the three staff members appraised in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Part A: Prepare for a Follow-up Performance Appraisal Meeting
Access and review the following:
Organisational documents or sources of information that contain the scope and responsibilities of the different staff members in the workplace
Workplace policies and procedures relevant to conducting performance appraisal meetings
Partially completed Performance Appraisal Document completed in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
For each staff member,
Identify the information relevant to their follow-up performance appraisal meeting.
In doing this, you must provide the following:
Date of second performance appraisal
Period of appraisal
Date of last performance appraisal
Standards of performance relevant to the staff member's work role.
This must correspond to the standards of performance indicated in the Performance Appraisal Document in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Key performance indicators (KPI) for each standard of performance identified.
This must correspond to the standards of performance indicated in the Performance Appraisal Document in Workplace Assessment Task 2.
Comments on the staff member's current performance
Comment must indicate if the staff member has achieved the desired result from the previous performance appraisal or not.
Partially complete the Assessment of Staff Member's Performance (Second Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at The Continent Hotel site.

Describe the staff member's performance following their last performance appraisal through an independent internal performance investigation.
Complete the Assessment of Staff Member's Performance (Second Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.

PART B: Conduct the Second Structured Performance Appraisal Meeting
Relay the following information to the staff member:
Standards of performance relevant to the staff member's work role.
Key performance indicators (KPI) for each standard of performance identified.
Comments on the staff member's current performance
Investigate the candidate's current performance in the workplace.
In doing this, you must identify:
At least one area of satisfactory performance
At least one area for improvement
Complete the second Candidate Performance Overview field in the Performance Appraisal document. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
Identify the following information with the staff member:
At least one highlight of the staff member during the current appraisal period
At least one lowlight of the staff member during the current appraisal period
Provide feedback on each item identified above.
Identify and discuss the following information with the staff member:
At least one area for improvement
The target performance the staff member is expected to achieve
At least one action item to be taken in order to reach the identified target performance, including training or coaching
The target date of completion for each action item identified
Date of next performance appraisal
Complete the Personnel Self-Assessment (Second Instance) section in the Performance Appraisal plan. Use your organisation's template for documenting performance appraisals, or you may use the Performance Appraisal template provided at the Continent Hotel site.
File the staff member's Performance Appraisal document.

Reference no: EM133827606

Questions Cloud

Qualitative data will be collected through interviews : Qualitative data will be collected through interviews with senior officials in the civil sector. To ensure consistency and fairness in the assessment process,
Which departments for further investigation : Michael is a workers compensation claims representative. Michael should promptly share this information with which departments for further investigation?
Discuss methodology : Discuss methodology and methods used in primary data collection.
Which statement reflect the way to treat this kind of income : She wants to take a loss for these supply purchases against the income. Which statement best reflects the way to treat this kind of income/expense?
Elements of performance management systems : SITXHRM012 Monitor staff performance Identify the two main concerns Nicole concluded were present within her team. Identify the two suggestions made by Nicole
What license do you apply : In city of englewood ,co, if you don't hae a physical address in englewood but you conduct nbisiness there and you need to remit tax, what license do you apply?
How can company utilize matrix for their marketing strategy : Describe each product and its category and why you felt that was the appropriate fit. How can companies utilize this matrix for their marketing strategies?
Can emotions be employed in rational choice : Critique exchange theory by applying the sociology of emotions theory. Can emotions be employed in rational choice? If so, how?
What is now almost certainly her largest expense : Larissa's T-shirt company has grown quickly and now sells products in four different countries. What is now almost certainly her largest expense?


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