Elements of negligence and professional negligence

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Reference no: EM132883228

For this assignment, you will be creating three scenarios of your own that are similar to the ones discussed in the unit lesson. These scenarios can be made up, real stories, or a combination of the two.

Your first scenario should apply the elements of negligence and professional negligence (malpractice) to a patient claim against a healthcare provider. In other words, your scenario should describe a situation in which a healthcare provider was negligent or committed malpractice against a patient. Be sure to properly detail the event and how it was resolved.

Your second scenario should describe an intentional tort that was committed within the healthcare environment. Also, the scenario should explain a legal remedy that the victim of the intentional tort could pursue.

Your third scenario should describe an instance in which a patient's rights may have been violated by a healthcare provider. Also, the scenario should explain the responsibility that healthcare providers have to protect their patients from harm.

Reference no: EM132883228

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