Reference no: EM133177829
Consultancy Experience Project
Assessment Element: Group Presentation
The group presentation can be flexible depending on the needs of the team, supervisor and client. It can be either of the below:
• a live face to face presentation which could be at the University or client premises
• a live MS Teams presentation
The presentation should give a summary of the key findings of your project report with particular focus on your recommendations and should last around 30 minutes. You will need to demonstrate effective oral communication skills as well as the capability of working as a team as indicated in the marking sheet at the end of this document. Each member of the team should participate.
Consultancy Client Report
This assessment element of the Consultancy Experience Project module is concerned with the group's ability to produce a professional consultancy report (within the parameters of the agreed brief) which will provide value to the company. Clearly, the companies have ‘real life' projects and as such, their levels of technical complexity will necessarily vary. Supervisors are asked to take into account the form and nature of this complexity when assessing your work.
At the end of the project, the supervisor will assess the quality of the report, group communication, and comments from peer assessment forms when deciding on a team grade for the work. The grade will normally apply across the team as a whole; however, we reserve the right to differentiate between members where there has been a clear inconsistency in activity and contribution between team members. Each member of the team will need to individually submit a peer assessment form at appendix 1, to allow us to consider this.
This should be in a business report format that matches the in-house style of your client. It will need to be very professionally presented and visual. It will be divided into sections including a title page, an executive summary, contents page, introduction, research
approach, some key sections identified by you, conclusions, recommendations, a references list, and any appendices needed. Numbered sections may well be useful and page numbers are essential.
You must drop box one copy of the report per team by 11pm, 24 July 2022, and in addition email a copy to your client on the same day.
Word length: 3,000 words.