Reference no: EM133815262 , Length: Words Count:1500
Topic: "Life Purpose: God's Gift to Us to Fulfill Us and Glorify Him."
Length: Target one thousand five hundred words, not including reference citations.
Sources: Readings from Period 1, the Holy Bible, and at least 3 additional references.
Structure & Content:
The core of this paper will come from the materials you produce by following the process described in the readings for Week 2 (find in Period 1 Read; Week 2 Readings and Panopto videos related to Minor Project 1--Life Purpose). The core should be supplemented by outside research on Life Purpose from at least three scholarly sources.
Introduction-brief explanation of what follows and what you want the reader to do with it. [Note: no need for an abstract for this paper].
What is Life Purpose and why is it important to know yours? (Combine course readings and your literature search for this section.) Your discussion in this section should go beyond the points below, but make sure you consider and include them.
Identity-we are made in God's image. What does that enable and call us to do?
Destiny or purpose-all people are made to glorify God and enjoy him forever (Westminster Catechism). You may add other perspectives about the common purpose all people share.
Within the common purpose for all people, God gifts and equips each person for a unique purpose. Do you agree? Discuss.
Explain how one's work and career can be an important element of one's life purpose but not the entire life purpose. Give examples of multi-faceted life purposes (e.g., community involvement in issues not related to work), integrated life purposes (e.g., medical doctor who volunteers for medical missions), and "second careers" ministering after retirement. Don't forget family as part of your life purpose.
Describe your journey of discovering your Life Purpose. Follow the four-step life purpose discovery process described in the Panopto recording assigned in Week 2 readings. Provide a detailed description of what you have learned about yourself (from your life experiences, prayer, and completing the assigned exercises) and how that knowledge helps you understand your life purpose.
Preasent a Life Purpose statement of your purpose as you currently understand it. Use the Life Purpose Statement Panopto (Week 2 Readings) as a guide.
Conclusions about life purpose in general and your experience contemplating your own.
Please include intext citations and references