Element of democracy

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133590438

Question: What are the different means available, other than elections, to achieve this element ofdemocracy?

Reference no: EM133590438

Questions Cloud

What were arguments against popular election of president : What are two reasons that the Framers decided it was a good idea to have a strong executive, separate from the legislature?
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Explain why insights seem to conflict : "Discovering uncommon ground can be a route to creating common ground when the non-commonality explains why insights seem to conflict."
What are advantage of more control of policy from congress : Is it possible for Congress to remove policymaking authority from bureaucrats? What are advantages and disadvantages of more control of policy from Congress?
Element of democracy : What are the different means available, other than elections, to achieve this element of democracy?
Why did amerigo vespucci rather than christopher columbus : Why did Amerigo Vespucci rather than Christopher Columbus give his name to the continents of the new world?
How china-north korea are linked to russias war machine : Video by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) "How China, Iran and North Korea Are Linked to Russia's War Machine".
Do international organizations commit to liberal : Do International Organizations Commit to Liberal or Realism Norms? Explain your reasoning.
How does quran address what can be considered political : How does the Qur'an address what can be considered 'political'? What are some of the political ideas and practices that can be extracted from the Qur'an?


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