Element of decision to stop and frisk

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133436240


When can race be an element of the decision to stop and frisk? Discuss several hypothetical situations that may fall in the "gray area" of the law. For example, what if police are specifically looking for drug couriers and they have extensive data that point to the vast majority of drug couriers being of certain races?

Reference no: EM133436240

Questions Cloud

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Described principles of restorative justice : A young mother in a rural community drives her car near a forest area, throws her infant down the side of the road bank
Regarding sexual assault investigations : Explain why the Baltimore article regarding sexual assault investigations highlight why crime statistics can be flawed?
Element of decision to stop and frisk : When can race be an element of the decision to stop and frisk? Discuss several hypothetical situations that may fall in the "gray area" of the law.
Consensus view or conflict view : Select a law or legal case that presents the consensus view or the conflict view.
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Theory of reaction-formation and opportunity theory : What are the differences between the theory of reaction-formation and opportunity theory when it comes to explaining gang activity?


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