Reference no: EM132401222 , Length: word count:2000
Electrical Power Systems Assignment -
An Investigation into the characteristics of high and low voltage electrical power distribution networks.
Key Words: High voltage distribution; low voltage distribution
Equipment: HAVC Transmission Line Analyser.
Software Tools: OrCAD
Description: Major components of an electric power system are generation, transmission and distribution. Distribution includes high voltage and low voltage. In this assignment you are going to investigate the characteristics of generation, transmission and low voltage distribution networks.
You are required to submit an assignment of 2000 to 2500 words only.
Directed studies work introduced in the lecture, laboratory & tutorial sessions will form the basis for most of the assignment topics but you are encouraged to extend the assignment according to your own interests and professional skills development needs and to use the assignment as a platform for becoming more proactive with electrical power system design, analysis, simulation, prototyping, test, validation and wider personal development opportunities.
The assignment must include and explore the following prescribed topics:
(1) Carry out a series of laboratory experiments to study the characteristics of a generation, transmission and distribution networks (carry out experiments 1 -4 in the attached HAVC Transmission Line Analyser).
(2) Examine and analyse real, apparent and reactive power components in linear and non-linear loads.
(3) Evaluate the optimum capacitor value for unity / near unity power factor for power distribution network.
(4) Conduct a series of simulation assessments to determine the power factor in linear and nonlinear loads connected at distribution network.
(5) Explain your own thoughts, observation for each of the tests above and provide your professional comments.
Attach HAVC Transimission line analyers laboratory experiments to study the characteristics of a generation, transmission and distribution networks (carry out experiments 1 -4 in the attached HAVC Transmission Line Analyser.