Reference no: EM133142270
ELEC40709 Engineering Science Assignment - Staffordshire University
Assignment Title - Practical lab work & report assignment
Tasks - Complete two laboratory experiment scientific reports covering mechanical science, and two desktop tasks covering electrical science. This will necessitate completion of one task from any of the Tasks 1, 2, 3 or 4 plus completion of Tasks 5, 6 & 7.
Task 1 - Lami's Therorem
Equipment: Force table and selection of weights
Conduct of experiment: Set up five different 3 force systems in equilibrium. Repeat for each system duplicated through 180o of rotation. Record all appropriate configurations and outcomes.
Task 2 - Concurrent equilibrant
Equipment: Force table and selection of weights
Conduct of experiment: Set up five different concurrent 3 force systems acting within 180o and use the 4th connection to find the system's equilibrant. Repeat independently 4 times for each system configuration, moving and adjusting the equilibrant weight and pulley each time. Record all appropriate configurations and outcomes.
Task 3 - Coefficient of limiting friction correlation to contact area
Equipment: Friction table, weights, x2 load blocks
Conduct of experiment: Set up two blocks of different contact area but identical weight and material. Find the limiting friction force for each block at level and 30o incline for two different surfaces. Repeat each configuration independently 4 times by increasing the applied force weight from zero each time. Record all appropriate configurations and outcomes.
Task 4 - Coefficient of limiting friction correlation to angle of repose
Equipment: Friction table, weights, x2 load blocks
Conduct of experiment: Set up one block with variable weights. Find the limiting friction force for the block at 0o incline for weights W, 2W and 3W using two different surfaces. Then with no plane load applied increase the table angle to determine the angle of repose for each configuation. Repeat each configuration independently 4 times by returning the applied force/incline to zero each time. Record all appropriate configurations and outcomes.
Task 5 - Dynamic equilibrium of connected bodies
Equipment: Pulley rigs, weights and stop watch
Conduct of experiment: Set up two equal weights at a minimum of 1 kg each. Determine residual dynamic friction in the pulley system by incrementally increasing weight on the downward moving weight to identify motion impending (no acceleration). By subsequently adding further mass to the downward moving weight, time 10 full range runs under acceleration from 3 different levels of imbalance. Record all appropriate configurations and outcomes
Task 6 - D.C. circuit experiment
Source and use simulation software to virtually build the resistor network shown below:

Referring to your simulated circuit, evaluate the software's ability to analyse the following:
a) The supply current
b) The currents in each branch of the circuit
c) Voltages across all resistors
d) Power dissipated in each resistor
e) Total power dissipated
Task 7 - The installation detailed in Figure 1 is subject to a schedule of loading given in Tables below. Cabling has been selected to account for no more than a 5% drop in voltage from the supply.
By accounting for cabling resistance and analysing supply phase angles for the various loading of the installation, show how power factor correction circuit modifications would enable use of the wiring and overload protection specification given below.
Length A/B-C/D = 250M - 16mm
Length C-L1 = 35M - 1.5mm - 6 Amp MCB
Length C-L2 = 45M - 2.5mm - 16 Amp MCB
Length C-L3 = 50M - 2.5mm - 16 Amp MCB
Figure 2 - AC Consumer Circuits

Loading Schedule (power on):
Circuit E -: 15:00 - 06:00
Circuit F -: Constant
Circuit G -: 07:00 - 18:00
Resistance of copper conductor in cables at 20oC
1.72 x 10-8 Wm
Note: whilst not possible in practice - you are to make the simplifying assumption that all supply and distribution conductors will remain at a constant 20oC if not inducing a voltage drop >5%.
Ensure your workings are clearly shown and your drawings are to scale.