Reference no: EM132505800
ELEC 10004 Electronic Circuits Assignment - Middle East College, Oman
Module Learning Outcomes - The following LOs are achieved by the student by completing the assignment successfully
1. Classify various applications of pn-junction diode.
2. Indicate the BJT biasing circuits.
3. Show the different FET biasing circuits.
Assignment Objective -
1. Study in details about diode and analyse diode circuit.
2. Know transistor working and types.
Assignment Tasks -
Q1. a. For the emitter bias network of Figure 1, Determine the IB, VCE, VC, VE, VB and VBE.

b. Find the branch current for the circuit shown in figure 2.

Q2. a. Can an ordinary diode be used as a Zener diode? Justify your answer.
b. As shown in Figure 3,
i. Explain and determine Vout for the given network.
ii. List the applications of clipper circuit.

Q3. Assume the diode is Si, find the diode voltage (VD) and (ID) using the constant voltage drop model. For the circuit diagram given in Figure 4.

Q4. a. A Si diode carries a current of 13mA when a forward bias of 4V is applied at (20oC). k = 1.38 x 10-23, q = 1.6 x 10-19, Find the following:
i. The reverse saturation current.
ii. The bias voltages required for diode currents of 10 mA.
b. Find the total current (IT) and Vo as shown in Figure 5 (assume all the diodes are silicon).

c. Explain Pinch-off voltage for a JFET transistor with the help of a neat diagram.