Elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities

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Reference no: EM13160698

I just needed an edit on this short essay. The prompt was "Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities. (1000 character maximum)."

When I decided to join my school’s newspaper, I never imagined the benefits I would receive or how much it would shape my senior year. While I did not believe I was a strong writer and didn’t know much about journalism, I was attracted by the idea of working with a group of individuals who write about topics and issues of interest to our generation.

At first, I took as many notes as possible, participated in all class discussions and tried to learn about what goes into our monthly published newspaper. When it was announced that applications were being accepted for the editor positions, I decided to apply for Features editor. I was interested in being in charge of a section that other students could relate to. For the application I wrote a letter to the Editor in Chief, the Managing Editor and our teacher on why I should be the one to take on this role, and was proudly accepted into the position. Then during our first issue, I embraced my new role and wrote a piece that I was proud to share with others.

Reference no: EM13160698

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