Reference no: EM132856747 , Length: word count:2100
ELA512 English Literacy-Reading and Writing - Charles Darwin University
Title - Literacy teaching designs to develop reading-viewing for specific comprehension.
Task. State your teaching intention to develop a specific aspect main idea, get them used to specific words, inferential comprehension of students' comprehension, and indicate their year level. Briefly profile your hypothetical class of diverse literacy learners, including their reading-comprehension achievements. Briefly outline key components of your hypothetical reading-viewing program in relation to parts 1 and 2 and 3 (200 words).
Instructions. In A1.1a introduction, a hypothetical class profile of diverse literacy learners will specify the particular year level you will teach.
You will specify the Australian Curriculum (AC) English: Literacy curriculum aspect of comprehension to be developed (eg. complex vocabulary, inferential comprehension, verbal-visual meanings, author perspective), and relate it to the specific English: Literature curriculum that supports reading to engage with and learn about narratives.
You will concisely preview key points of your literacy program (your profile of readers, multimodal text collection, lesson analysis, essay) to develop reading for comprehension
Three related choices of (AC) English content will focus reading-viewing activity, but not be included in wordcount. One content description /code will be from the English: Literacy framework. One content description /code will be from the English: Literature framework. Elements of Literacy Capability content (no code) may also be specified eg. reading-comprehension of narratives at levels of whole text and/or sentence, word, visual image.
Task. Collect 5 multimodal texts suitable for your students to read, view and comprehend. The texts will be related in some way (eg. by topic, genre, place, time), be selected to progress specific comprehension knowledge, and include digital and print formats. Use one landscape page for each selected text. Each landscape page will include an image of the text cover and an image of a page/spread to show year-level suitability of written language and picture/illustration; explain how each text supports teaching of specific comprehension; provide reference detail. (100 words each landscape page total = total 500 words)
Instructions. To be suitable for year-level reading, viewing and comprehension, the complexity of language and meanings in collected texts will be consistent with Australian Curriculum indications of year-level reading/comprehension achievement standards. For example, search year-level achievement standards for English F-10 or Literacy Capability via
Present 1a and 1b responses in five landscape pages (total 600 words)
Ass1.2 task. Select one lesson plan that is relevant to your teaching intent, class of diverse readers, and year level. The selected lesson plan will require some adjustment, to achieve your teaching intention. The lesson plan must be from an authoritative education source in Australia. Annotate the plan on one-two landscape page/s. Your annotations will reveal lesson components evaluated as useful, absent, or not useful to your teaching intent and class of readers (200 words). Explain why and how you would adjust or extend the lesson plan (200 words), for use in your targeted and balanced program. (1-2 landscape page/s, total 400 words).
Instructions. Authoritative sources for lesson plans may come from links below, or other education sources. Annotations may be distinguished in callouts or shapes that do not obscure the lesson detail. Perhaps arrange annotations of useful lesson components on left hand side, absent/not useful components on right hand side.
task. In an essay, you will discuss principles of balance and integration in contemporary Literacy programs, in relation to your teaching intention to develop reading-viewing for specific comprehension knowledge, at a particular year level. Your discussion and critical evaluations will directly connect to your teaching intent and diverse learners, and your choices related to Australian Curriculum content, multimodal text collection and lesson plan analysis, with examples. Your scholarly essay will include key references that link literacy theory and models to classroom practice. (total 1000 words)
Instructions. In your essay, define what is meant by principles of balance and integration in contemporary Literacy programs. Discuss and explain how the principles relate to your teaching intention to develop reading-viewing for specific comprehension knowledge, at a particular year level.
Critically evaluate and discuss your choices of Literacy and Literature curriculum, your multimodal text collection and lesson plan analysis, in the light of your definitions, teaching intent and class profile.
Throughout the essay, use references from the literature that link literacy theory and models to teaching practice, designed to develop student's knowledge of reading-viewing for comprehension
At essay end, briefly summarise your conclusions and reflection on what you've learned.
Attachment:- Assignment 1 task.rar