EG7034 Mental Wealth Assignment

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Reference no: EM132467591 , Length: word count:5000

EG7034 - Mental Wealth - Engineering Management and Project Organisation - University of East LondonAssignment - Millennium Mills Redevelopment


Project Brief - The Millennium Mills Redevelopment

Cities across the world are already feeling the effects of the climate crisis and need to ensure that they are resilient to a future which could result in a variety of changeable weather, such as more powerful rainfall events, higher temperatures and sea level rise. This means that all new developments need to be designed to be resilient in an uncertain world in 2050 to ensure that the people living, working and visiting there are safe, healthy, comfortable and productive.Silvertown Quays in London's Royal Docks is a waterside site which will be developed over the next 10-15 years and needs to be designed to be 2050-ready.

Your team is an engineering consultancy company and have been commissioned by the lead developer Lendlease to carry out a feasibility study and outline design for the redevelopment of the Millennium Mills located on the southern side of the Royal Victoria Dock and associated infrastructure. You will be considering plot 4for the construction of a new building to facilitate the client's requirements set out below.

Project requirements

Lendlease are looking to you for answers as to how to achieve from the project the most appropriate:
• Sustainable approach to design that will provide long term benefit to the local and wider area of East London.
• An integrated infrastructure strategy and improved access and transport links for the local people and businesses.
• A strong commercial strategy &evidence that the development with be financially viable and meet its legal requirements.
• Demonstrate that they meet the needs of local and regional stakeholders and environmental planning obligations
• A clear procurement strategy and safe construction programme
• A highquality development that showcases innovation and also providesvalue for money for the client and stakeholders alike.

Part A - Collaborative Group Feasibility Presentation

An outline feasibility study:
• To compare three options listed below forplot 4 and reach a conclusion for the best use of the land.
o Commercial premises
o Leisure or cultural facilities
o Residential development.
Each proposed scheme must be supported by: -
o An artist impression of the building
o Floor plans
o Elevations

• Within your presentation you must alsoaddress the project requirements listed within the Project Brief. Additionally, identify key design interventions for the site to ensure that Silvertown is resilient in the future to potential urban flood events, river flood events and sea level rise. Higher intensity rainfall events, elongated summer temperatures and increasing urban heat island effect.

Part B Technical Report

Technical written report, written in individual named sections

The client has now consideredyour feasibility presentation and wishes to go ahead with a for the Millennium Mills Redevelopment as outlined in the attached drawings provided in the Appendix. Using this as a basis your group needs to provide a brief detailed report as outlined below.

The group leader will need to allocate work roles and manage monitor progress to cover the five sections as indicated below. It is expected that each section, will be supportedwith charts, data, and sketches where required.(Please note students are responsible for one section each).

Section I - Design Issues

Question 1. Devise a programme in the form of a Gantt chart following the RIBA plan of works for the consultation and design of the project only showing clearly all-time constraints prior to construction.

Question 2. Analyse and provide financial data supporting and justifying cost implications at design stage only for the project.

Question 3. Specify & discuss how Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be applied to this project.

Section II - Environmental & Stakeholder Management

Question 1. An overview of the environmental issues affecting the construction & operation of the project.

Question 2. A detailed report supporting the process in which public concerns will be addressed.

Question 3. Evaluate how Low Carbon Planning helps to integrate energy efficiency and renewable energy sources cost effectively into the new development. (e.g. identify the measures used to minimising construction waste, embodied energy and carbon emissions, in low carbon energy design and planning)

Section III - Construction Planning

Question 1. The choice of construction methods and logistics for the redevelopmentto reduce carbon emission and reduce pollution.

Question 2. Discuss Health and Safety obligations and provide detailed method statements supported with pictorials for the construction of the major elements of the works, these must be project specific.

Question 3. An outline programme (Gantt chart user friendly) for the works for the key elements (manually or software based) identifying critical activities & resource smoothing opportunities.

Section IV - Economic & legal Issues

Question 1. Present an economic evaluation of the financing of the Infrastructure andthe likely costs.

Question 2. Discuss the geotechnical issues that need to be addressed within this scheme which will affect the design and cost.

Question 3. Advise the client on the following:-
a. The different methods for "Dispute Resolution" if disputes arise?
b. The role of a professional in the built environment (e.g. engineer, architect, project manager etc.) as an expert witness?

Section V - Procurement Methods & Supply Chain Matters

Question 1. Select & justify the most appropriate procurement method for this project in terms of the contractual obligations. Explore the implementation of the innovative collaborative procurement approach to de-risk the construction.

Question 2. Analyse the structure of the UK economic in terms of procurement methods &supply chain mattersand demonstrate a critical awareness of the economic role played by the civil engineering construction industry.

Question 3. Describe how Quality Assurance System ensures the best practice in managing the construction of the development. Propose practical measures that can be utilised by contractors to ensure that the client achieves a project that is ‘fit for purpose' and best value formoney'.

Part C - Reflective Log and Summary Report

Question 1 The Mental Wealth Competencies

This assignment forms part of the Mental Wealth curriculum that will not only demonstrate your technical and managerial knowledge and application, but also the ‘softer engineering and management ‘skill that are prized by post-graduate recruiters and employers in Industry.

The Mental Wealth Competencies, listed below, are a way to reflect on how you act and react to situations, and what ‘softer' skills you are developing throughout your working life in general and this assignment in particular:

• Digital Proficiency (DP)
• Emotional Intelligence Development (EID)
• Social Intelligence Development (SID)
• Physical Intelligence Development (PID)
• Cultural Intelligence Development (CID)
• Cognitive Intelligence (CI)
• Industry Connections (IC)
• Community Connections (CC)
• UEL Give-Back (UGB)

Question 2 Reflective Log and Summary Report

On a weekly basis you are asked to reflect on activities you have undertaken for this module (and your wider studies) against UEL's core Mental Wealth Competences and interventions.

This will include your :
• Group work (FeasibilityPresentation and your part in the Technical Report)
• The results from your UEL Career Passport Pathway on-line assessment and development materials - which lead to career certification badges. For those students who complete the UEL Careers Passport activities there will be certification which will add to your CV.
• Your preparation and skills in other areas such as the Placement Preparations classes.
In your Reflective Logs you are asked to write a commentary on the skills and abilities you are developing. the best way to set this out is to:
• Describe the context ‘(e.g. specific skills portfolio task or specific part you played in the team decisions involved in the Millennium Mills Group worketc..)
• Reflect on "What went well"
• Identify what could be improved and make suggestions for how you to improve

Note: Only need Part B Technical Report

Attachment:- Engineering Management and Project Organisation.rar

Reference no: EM132467591

Questions Cloud

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Research for job in finance or accounting or business : Research for job in finance or accounting or business. Using various employment websites find three (3) careers in finance are interested in applying.
EG7034 Mental Wealth Assignment : EG7034 Mental Wealth Assignment Help and Solution, Engineering Management and Project Organisation, University of East London - Assessment Writing Service
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Write a Review

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