Efforts to promote and protect human rights

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Reference no: EM133320080


Efforts to promote and protect human rights through international treaties meet with varying responses. Governments' records of compliance can be divided into four groups: 1) signing on to the treaties and complying with the obligations specified all or nearly all of the time, 2) signing on to the treaties but making little effort to comply, 3) avoiding the treaties while respecting some human rights but not others, and 4) avoiding at least some of the treaties and committing widespread violations of certain human rights. What international system level, state level, and individual level factors influence governments' policies regarding human rights? Explain and provide examples and citations.

Reference no: EM133320080

Questions Cloud

What is meant by interest aggregation : As it pertains to political parties, what is meant by "interest aggregation"?
About compensation between public and private workers : Do you think fair comparisons can be made about compensation between public and private workers when benefit systems are so different?
About how interactions will play out as game theory assumes : If governments were consistent rational utility maximizers possessing ample information about how interactions will play out as game theory assumes,
About how interactions will play out as game theory assumes : If governments were consistent rational utility maximizers possessing ample information about how interactions will play out as game theory assumes,
Efforts to promote and protect human rights : Efforts to promote and protect human rights through international treaties meet with varying responses.
Imporant challange confronting poland : An imporant challange confronting poland. write about any issue in European politics about e.g., recent/upcoming elections, gender equality, migration
Public health considerations should override liberties : Public health considerations should override individual liberties. Agree or disagree with this statement outline agreement and look at both sides of arguement
Shape and constrain the policies of states : You should know what international institutions are, what they are designed or intended to do, and how they shape and constrain the policies of states.
Political positions in Canadian government : Define and explain their political positions in the Canadian government; Agencies, boards, and commissions.


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