Efforts to improve our own communication skills

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Reference no: EM131655794

1. Select one of the theories discussed in Chapter 2 of the Ulmer, Selnow, and Seeger text. Prepare a quick summary in your own words of what the theory means and how it might be relevant in communicating in or regarding an emergency or disaster. Incorporate a real or hypothetical example or scenario to explain the theory. Think about what a theory is as you do this. Cite the text and any other reference sources you use using APA Style. Do not cite Wikipedia, search engines, or something like Jim-Bob's blog. (The Theory I chose was News Framing Theory). The information on the theory is below and you can use the web as well. Submit your paper of approximately 250 words.

2. Hurricane Harvey communication and coverage analysis. View and/or read at least three articles, news conferences, official web pages, social media, or other communications related to Hurricane Harvey and its impacts on the Texas Gulf Coast. Prepare a short summary and analysis of the coverage you viewed/heard/read and note similarities and differences in content, tone or approach, focus, and presentation. How was official information (e.g., from emergency management, response organizations, or public officials) communicated and used (or not)? Submit your analysis of approximately 250 words. Note the media and other sources that are addressed in your summary.

3. Communication is a two-way street. After completing this week's readings and presentations, write a short essay on the topic: "Communication is a two-way street." What does this mean, and how does this affect our efforts to improve our own communication skills? Submit your essay of approximately 250-500 words in this assignment.

Reference no: EM131655794

Questions Cloud

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Efforts to improve our own communication skills : How was official information (e.g., from emergency management, response organizations, or public officials) communicated
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