Effort to reach beyond the confines of the classroom

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Reference no: EM13561020

In an effort to reach beyond the confines of the classroom, the CBL component to our Freshman Inquiry asks you to explore and articulate connections between what we are learning over the year and what is going on in the community. This is an assignment that requires you to translate and apply what you have learned to the world "out there."

Choose three from the following to write about:

A rally or protest

A recent film (no in-home video or dvd); I recommend locally owned/operated cinemas such as Clinton Street Theater, Cinema 21, Hollywood Theater, Whitsell auditorium and others.

An art exhibition (possibilities might include First (or Last) Thursdays, PAM, PICA, DISJECTA, and a variety of others)

A poetry/fiction reading (look for events at Spare Room, PSU, Powell's, Tangent, Literary Arts and Lectures, Lewis and Clark and Reed, etc)

A public lecture

An on-campus student group meeting

A volunteering experience

An event or happening of your choice, cleared with me in advance.

Each event/experience should be accompanied by a 2 page write-up describing the event/experience (one-two paragraphs) and how its contents relate to/illuminates any of the themes we've covered over the course of the year or one of the UNST goals. Choose carefully, as your grade will largely reflect the event's relevance (and your engaged, creative articulation of it) to primary issues we've been exploring or the selected UNST goal.

Reference no: EM13561020

Questions Cloud

Explain one mol of the compound at 325 k is cooled : One mol of this compound at 325 K is cooled at constant P to 275 K by contact with a large reserve at 275 K. The temperature of the reserve does not change.
How much thicker is the center than the edges : A total of 31 bright and 31 dark Newton's rings (not countingthe dark spot at the center) are observed when 550 nm light fallsnormally on a planoconvex lens resting on a flat glass surface. How much thicker is the center than the edges
Explain a one-mole sample of a monatomic perfect gas : A one-mole sample of a monatomic perfect gas with a constant pressure heat capacity of 20.85 J/(K mol) is initially at a pressure of 3.25 bar at 200 K. It undergoes an adiabatic reversible expansion until its pressure is 1.52 bar. Calculate: q, w,..
Evaluation dh for the reaction in kj : The final temperature was 52.0 C. Assume that the solution has a specific heat capacity of 4.184 J/(g K) and a density of 1.00 g/ml. Calculate dH for the following reaction in kJ.
Effort to reach beyond the confines of the classroom : Effort to reach beyond the confines of the classroom, the CBL component to our Freshman Inquiry asks you to explore and articulate connections between what we are learning over the year and what is going on in the community.
Obtaion the change in internal energy : A sample of 755 moles of nitrogen gas is maintained at aconstant pressure of 1.00 atm in a flexible container.The gas is heated from 40.2oC to177oC. Calculate the change in internal energy
Calculate the total heatflow into or out of the gas : Consider the following two-step process. Heat is allowed toflow out of an ideal gas at constant volume so that its pressuredrops from P1 = 2.02 atm toP2 = 1.62 atm. Calculate the total heatflow into or out of the gas
Explain hcl was added to both of the naoh extracts : The mixture is extracted two times with 2.0 mL of NaOH ultimately separating the neutral compound and the benzoic acid. Following the extraction, 6 M HCl was added to both of the NaOH extracts, resulting in a precipitate.
Evaluation the enthalpy of reaction at 490 k : Calculate the enthalpy of reaction at 490 K. You may assume that the heat capacity is constant, and corresponds to the value at 298 K. You may also assume that there are no phase changes in this system


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