Efficiently increases strategic capability of organization

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM13871967

Question: Respond to below with 200 words and 1 direct quesrion.

My definition of decision science is the systematic approach in making decisions within an organization. This process includes making an educated and calculated decision based on certain internal and external factors. Organizational mission, core values and ethics need to be placed into the equation to ensure the decision is driven by the basic foundation of the organization. Second my idea of decision science involves making policy based on the totality situation which includes internal and external drivers. Internal drivers would include the strategic use of human resource functions in order to advance the sustainability of the organization. External drivers would include the global market, talent acquisition and the use of external entities in order to drive the business forward. These factors together should be utilized in order to make smart decisions.

The art of decision science is based on the measurement, in strategic terms, of human resource function in the outcomes of business performance. The roles of hiring, employee replacement, training and administrative functions must not be measured in immediate cost factors which is important, but must be strategically thought out in order to provide a increased business output. Take a training program in which an organization is trying to improve performance. The cost of the program is a consideration but to be strategically integrated and measured questions like who would benefit most from the training, how would they benefit, and what the training needs to focus on based on mission and product needs to be answered. When these questions are answered then a measurement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the training can be taken in terms of how it has increased the sustainability and output of the organizations (Lousy, Meisinger and Ulrich, 2005).

Furthermore, the article titled "Leaders in 2025 Repair the World" by Jane Purdue includes seven characteristics needed in order to manage an organization both strategically and ethically. In my experiences these characteristics, I would call seven fundamentals of successful leadership and management. These characteristics break the mold and promote a success in the organizations by encouraging communication, leadership, and the involvement of human capital at all levels. Furthermore, her characteristics place a value on human capital within the organization and when your employees feel valued they will be more motivated to complete the mission with quality and excitement (Purdue, 2015).

In my professional military education, we learned about most of the characteristics that Purdue outlined. In management terms, when I applied these fundamentals I seemed to be more successful. They allowed people under my supervision not only the ability to give input and feel valued but be an integral part of the success of the mission. Obviously there are times that an immediate decision had to be made concerning certain operational factors however and some military types will argue with there is only one way to get the job done. I have to disagree, there is more than one way to get the job done staying within ethical and procedural rules and getting it done effectively and efficiently increases the strategic capability of any organization.

Losey, M., Meisinger, S., & Ulrich, D. (2005). The future of human resource management: 64 thought explore the critical HR issues of today and tomorrow. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons

Perdue, J. (2015). Leaders in 2025 repair the world. Retrieved from: https://www.greatplacetowork.com/blog-carnival-entries/2052-leaders-in-2025-repair-the-

Reference no: EM13871967

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