Efficient production to keep the business profitable

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132078657

In the 20th century, West focused on goals, cost, quality, and efficient production to keep the business profitable. For businesses to remain sustainable today they must maintain a competitive edge either by price or innovation in the marketplace. In theme 1, we take a closer look at the way managers maintain sustainability through innovation in the 21st century organization.

Artemus Gordon has noticed an increase in the cost of water supply in the last three years. Since many of the products produced in the health care line are water based this discovery is significant enough to bring to West’s attention. Artemus decided to research the reasons for the increase to determine if a recommendation for a budget adjustment is in order or even a need for a change of supplier. What he found was a great deal more significant. A serious shortage of potable water supply globally. A problem of this magnitude could potentially knock Biotech out of the marketplace altogether.

Research the affect that a global water shortage would have on business today and write a memo to West outlining the problem, its potential effects on Biotech and some of the recommendations West should consider taking to the Strategic Planning Team. Be sure to present to West the urgency in making this a proactive measure for the company and ways the company could make this an opportunity rather than a problem.

Reference no: EM132078657

Questions Cloud

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Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning : Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning as they relate to efficacy of business theories.
Efficient production to keep the business profitable : In the 20th century, West focused on goals, cost, quality, and efficient production to keep the business profitable.
Develop an income statement and cash flow statement : Your team has been hired to provide financial analysis for a start-up company, Bobble in Style, which produces customized bobble heads.
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Selected organization is using effective strategies : Do you feel that your selected organization is using effective strategies?


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