Efficient allocation of resources

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1311279

1) Budweiser, Miller and Coors who together produce 80% of all beer consumed in the US, each spend well over $250 million a year on television advertising campaigns, promoting their beer brands. Obviously, if one firm is advertising its brands heavily, the others must also advertise to defend their market shares.

Do you think these firms would welcome congressional legislation which restricted the amount that any one firm could spend on advertising to $1 million yearly, and thereby allowed them all to reduce their costs without fear of losing ground to each other?  Explain your answer.

2.  "Most commercial fish species in nearly every ocean and sea are being rapidly depleted in what marine biologists and other specialists warn is evolving into one of the worst ecological disasters of modern times. According to the United Nations, the world's 15 million fishermen and 23 million tons of fishing vessels represent twice as much fishing power as major stocks of fish can sustain."

Assume that ocean fishing resembles a competitive market in the following ways...there are no significant barriers to entry and there are enough individual fishermen so that none of them can affect the market price of fish.

a) Explain why competitive markets normally lead profit maximizing firms to make choices about resource use that lead to an "efficient" allocation of resources to the market?

b) If unregulated competitive markets promote "efficient" patterns of resource use, why has unregulated competition led to such serious over allocation of resources to fishing?

Reference no: EM1311279

Questions Cloud

Equivalent units for materials and conversion : Finding  the equivalent units for materials and conversion - Verify the accountant's ending work in process inventory figure (£8,200) given in the report
Property rights and efficient resource allocation : Explain the concept of externality. What does it have to do with the efficient allocation of resources?
Inventory control problem-or method : Solve different inventory control problems using an appropriate OR method.
Calculate pressure at the center of a pipe : Calculate the pressure at the center of pipe A. Suppose T = 10?C.
Efficient allocation of resources : Explain why competitive markets normally lead profit maximizing firms to make choices about resource use that lead to an "efficient" allocation of resources to the market?
Inventory control problem : Solve different inventory control problems using an appropriate OR method.
Wage differentials and minimum wage : Evaluate the following: The laws of supply and demand cannot apply to the labor market because labor is not a commodity to be bought and sold like machines.
The pressure differences : The difference in piezometric pressure, pz,A – pz,B. Express both answers in kPa and pressure differences pA - pB.
Administrator providing the course material : Suppose it costs $25 per student for the administrators to provide the course materials.


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