Efficiency and effectiveness of project communications

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1333592

An effective communication strategy is absolutely essential for achieving effective project integration management. Any time the goal is to integrate numerous concurrently operating activities, the role of communication becomes central. This is because independently operating activities all come with their own unique obstacles and challenges. Some of the obstacles and challenges are interrelated, and they may depend on what is happening at another level of the project. Also, without an effective communication strategy, design team members seeking to overcome these obstacles and challenges may engage in activities that are not cost- or time-effective.

Respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments.

How does project status, issue, and accomplishment information get shared?

What types of information are shared through documents?

What types are shared through meetings? What types are shared through informal communications?

How has e-mail affected the efficiency and effectiveness of project communications?

How has social networking affected the efficiency and effectiveness of project communications?

Reference no: EM1333592

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