Efficacy of process using process improvement techniques

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM133402387

Process Improvement Flowchart

As-Is Process Flowchart Evaluation

Select a process from an organization you work for or are familiar with. 

Evaluate the efficacy of your process using process improvement techniques. Write your evaluation below this line.

Process Improvement Flowchart

Determine how the process can be improved based on the results of your evaluation.

Define metrics and measure the current process. Insert the metrics and measures below this line.

Use process improvement techniques to improve the process. Create a flowchart of the improved process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Visio, or Excel. Use your professional judgment to ascertain how the future process will perform according to your metrics. Insert new flowchart below this line.

A brief description of the process based on the flowchart of processes current state

The results of your process evaluation and how the weak points can be strengthened. Include a description of the process improvement technique(s) used.

A brief description of process improvements based on the process of the future state.

How you anticipate the future process will perform based on metrics used to evaluate process current state.

A description of your process improvement project to achieve the process future state.

Reference no: EM133402387

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