Effects on aircraft incidents and accidents

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132080706

The topic will be pilot shortage and its effects on aircraft incidents and accidents.

The project must cover all of the learning outcomes listed. Additionally human factors that are being seen because of pilot shortages and how that incorporates the dirty dozen should be part of the paper.

The paper must be 25 pages, with at least 10 quality references, it must address global pilot shortage and its effects on aircraft incidents and accidents which is a current problem in the aviation industry and how they pertain to aviation accidents and incidents, utilizing all of the program outcomes.

Purpose Statement: Evaluate the effects that global pilot shortage is having on aircraft incidents and accidents and the supporting casual factors.


Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes 1 - 7 are the General Education Competency Outcomes.

1. Critical Thinking

The student will show evidence of knowledge at a synthesis level to define and solve problems within professional and personal environments.

2. Quantitative Reasoning

The student will show evidence of the use of digitally-enabled technology & analysis techniques to interpret data for the purpose of drawing valid conclusions and solving associated problems.

3. Information Literacy

The student will show evidence of meaningful research, including gathering information from primary and secondary sources and incorporating and documenting source material in their writing.

4. Communication

The student will show evidence of communicating concepts in written, digital and oral forms to present technical and non-technical information.

5. Scientific Literacy

The student will show evidence of analyzing scientific evidence as it relates to the physical world and its interrelationship with human values and interests.

6. Cultural Literacy

The student will show evidence of the analysis of historical events, cultural artifacts, and philosophical concepts.

7. Life Long Personal Growth

The student will show evidence of the skills needed to enrich the quality of life through activities, which enhance and promote lifetime learning. Program Outcomes 8 - 11 are the Core Program Outcomes for the BSA degree program.

8. Aeronautical Science The student will show evidence of advanced concepts of aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics to solve problems commonly found in their respective industries.

9. Aviation Legislation and Law

The student will show evidence of the basic concepts in national and international legislation and law as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industries.

10. Aviation Safety

The student will show evidence of basic concepts in aviation safety as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industry.

11. Aviation Management and Operations

The student will show evidence of sound, ethical, management principles within standard aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics operations.

Research Project

This course is centered upon the completion of a research project that addresses a current problem area within the degree specialty. The topic of the project will be determined in conjunction with your faculty member. The topic selected must address a current problem. You will be using the expertise you have gained during your degree program in the formulation of this project. This is not a course to teach you how to write, research or the fundamentals of APA style. These traits/skills have been learned in previous classes and will be exercised in this class.

The topic of the project will be determined at the beginning of the course, project size will be approximately 18 to 25 pages of text in length. The project will be formatted with a cover page, abstract, introduction, background of the problem, research of the problem, conclusions from your research, and recommendations to address the problem. See the provided template.

The course is designed to guide the project with topic selection, reference list development, annotated bibliography development, outline development and then the project formulation.

The faculty member will guide the development, focus, and scope of the project. The project must be comprehensive, relevant and address the Core Program outcomes of your degree program.

Core Program Outcomes

Bachelor of Science in Aeronautics (ASCI 490) - Core Program Outcomes

Aviation/Aerospace/Aeronautical Science. The student will show evidence of advanced concepts of aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics to solve problems commonly found in their respective industries.

The Aeronautical Science PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific aeronautical scientific evidence (the physics of flight, flight operations, human factors, flight physiology, aircraft simulation, aviation safety and security, air traffic control, UAS, etc.) that is used to support a project.

Aeronautical Science includes concepts that can be explained by any of the aeronautical sciences and the associated concepts and properties as they relate to the project.

The project should clearly identify how Aeronautical Science will be met through the development of the Capstone and include key words, phrases, and concepts applicable to the research objective, such as:

- Applying aeronautical sciences and associated concepts to a project.

- Identifying and applying factors in aeronautical science as they relate to a project.

- Analyzing human factors or flight physiology as factors in developing a project.

Evaluating flight operations principles and concepts as characteristics of an overall project.

- Analyzing flight simulation systems and procedures as they relate to a project.

- Assessing air traffic control systems, technologies, and procedures as they impact aviation safety and security.

The result of Aeronautical Science is the analysis of information and the development of conclusions and recommendations related to the aeronautical science aspects of a project and supported by valid and reliable referenced material.

Aviation Legislation and Law. The student will show evidence of the basic concepts in national and international legislation and law as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industries.

The Aviation Legislation and Law PO is the application of critical thinking to the past, present, and future local, state, federal, and international laws and regulations that are used to support a project.

Aviation Legislation and Law includes an analysis and evaluation of any and all regulatory requirement (safety, security, flight and maintenance operation, liability, local, state, federal, and international aviation regulations, environmental, aviation facility development, etc.) as they impact and relate to the project.

The project should clearly identify how the Aviation Legislation and Law PO will be met in the development of the project by including key words, phrases, and concepts applicable to the research objective, such as:

Analyzing and applying the impact of all laws and regulations that impact any aspects of the project.
- Capstone topic and associated concepts to a project.
- Recommending changes to or elimination of existing laws and regulations or the addition of new laws and regulations as they relate to a project.
- Analyzing and evaluating proposed or soon to be implemented laws and regulations for the impact on a project.

The results of Aviation Legislation and law is the analysis of information and the development of conclusions and recommendations related to the aviation legislation and law aspects of a project and supported by valid and reliable referenced material.

10. Aviation Safety. The student will show evidence of basic concepts in aviation safety as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industry.

The Aviation Safety PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific topics of aviation safety and security that are used to support a project.

Aviation Safety includes an analysis and evaluation of any and all safety and security concepts, techniques, and procedures (SMS, airfield and other aviation facility security, accident investigation, operation safety, Federal Air Marshal Program, terrorism prevention, etc.) as they impact and relate to the project.

The project should clearly identify how the Aviation Safety PO will be met through the development of the Capstone and include key words, phrases, and concepts applicable to the research objective, such as:

- Applying aviation safety and security programs, agencies, and concepts to a project.

Identifying the role accident investigation techniques and procedures as they relate to a project.

- Analyzing the impacts of human factors and human error on aviation safety and security as factors in developing a project.
- Evaluating and analyzing prior aviation accidents for use in developing new regulations and methodologies for improving aviation safety and
- Assessing the roles private industry and federal regulators and academic research play in improving aviation safety and security.
- Developing safety and security recommendations based upon valid researched evidence from numerous sources.

The result of Aeronautical Safety PO is the analysis of information and the development of conclusions and recommendations related to the aviation safety and security aspects of a project and supported by valid and reliable referenced material.

Aviation Management and Operations. The student will show evidence of sound, ethical, management principles within standard aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics operations.

The Aviation Management and Operations PO is the application of critical thinking to the specific topics of management of aviation operations that are used to support a project.

Aviation Management and Operations includes an analysis and evaluation of any and all management concepts, techniques, and procedures (personnel, flight operations, maintenance operations, engineering development and test, airfield, airline, etc.) as they impact and relate to the project.

The project should clearly identify how the Aviation Management and Operations PO will be met through the development of the Capstone and include key words, phrases, and concepts applicable to the research objectives, such as:

- Applying established aviation management techniques to the personnel and programs associated with all aviation operations to a project.

- Evaluating the impacts of failures in management on aviation operations as they relate to a project.

- Developing and recommending improvements to existing management techniques and theories or new techniques, based upon valid research, as needed to support a project.

The result of Aviation Management and Operation PO is the analysis of information and the development of conclusions and recommendations related to aviation operations management aspects of a project and supported by valid and reliable referenced material.

The references must be scholarly sources, and the in text citations must be completed. This is a capstone that will be graded on a graduate level. I have additional documents that I will attach in the comments. Please let the expert know that communication with me is not a problem and any questions he has to contact me. This is a important paper and needs to be done right.

Verified Expert

The solution contains in total 7500 words and is being done by using APA references. The solution is of total 20 pages as aked by the client to make 18-25 pages solution. The solution contains details about the problems & the impacts related to the global shortages of the pilots. Finally the solution also contains a relevant conclusion along with stating some specific recommendations which might be helpful for overcoming the challenge for the aviation industry.

Reference no: EM132080706

Questions Cloud

Advantages of the dedicated team approach over matrix : The advantages of the dedicated team approach over the matrix and functional approaches to managing projects include all of the following EXCEPT
How will they benefit you in your career future : Personal affiliations and networking are important for nursing leaders. Why are these important? How will they benefit you in your career future?
What research method and design are you going to use : Give the background of the problem and be sure to explain why this problem is important in your context or organization.
Explain the effective communication techniques : Discuss how an individual can use effective communication techniques to overcome workplace challenges, encourage collaboration across groups.
Effects on aircraft incidents and accidents : Developing and recommending improvements to existing management techniques and theories or new techniques, based upon valid research, as needed to support
Proposed solution for client to help them select methodology : Describe your approach for developing proposed solutions for the client to help them select a methodology.
Review problem on long-term care : The field of long-term care has gone through and is still experiencing, a time of great change. It has been, as such times tend to be, both trying and exciting.
Define the meaning of a break-even analysis : Define the meaning of a break-even analysis and prepare an analysis appropriate for your project.
Discuss influence and contributions of public health nursing : Read chapter 35 of the class and review the attached PowerPoint presentation. Once done present a 900 words essay discussing the influence and contributions.



11/2/2018 8:18:40 PM

I have attached some more info 29853819_1Project Template-1 3.pdf 29853819_2PowerPoint.pptx 29853819_3Outline Template -1 updated 1 1 1.pdf Yes the final report should be 18-25 pages also I need your references included This was very perfectly done I will come back soon with my next assignment post. thank you for such an incredible work !!


8/8/2018 11:34:12 PM

Please have the expert review all the requirements. The paper requirements are summarized and explained in the PAPER INFO document. The topic will be pilot shortage and its effects on aircraft incidents and accidents. The project must cover all of the learning outcomes listed. Additionally human factors that are being seen because of pilot shortages and how that incorporates the dirty dozen should be part of the paper. The references must be scholarly sources, and the in text citations must be completed. This is a capstone that will be graded on a graduate level. I have additional documents that I will attach in the comments. Please let the expert know that communication with me is not a problem and any questions he has to contact me. This is a important paper and needs to be done right.

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