Reference no: EM132913646
Watery diarrhea occurs as a prodrome, or as the sole clinical manifestation, in a majority of patients infected with S sonnei. Diarrhea is often a prodome of the dysentery characterizing infection with other species of Shigella. Recently discovered enterotoxins secreted by S flexneri may contribute to the diarrheal phase as the etiologic agents traverse the small intestine. However, diarrhea is most common in patients who have colitis involving the transverse colon or cecum. These patients evidence net water secretion and impaired absorption in the inflamed colon. In patients experiencing dysentery, involvement is most severe in the distal colon, and the resulting inflammatory colitis is evidenced in frequent scanty stools reflecting the ileocecal fluid flow. Dysentery is also characterized by the daily loss of 200-300 ml of serum protein into the feces.
1. In the laminar flow, show the contributions and the effects of the sterile environment while working with microorganisms?
2.explain the relevance of the electrophoresis as applied to separate DNA
3.utilize the Sodium Hypochlorite in the lab to maintain sterility
4.range the optimal intervals of ultimate application for the pathology lab temperature for the freezers can the criteria Histopathology be applied to deal with Tissues
6.apply the biopsy scientifically to generate the small section of diseased tissue in extraction the order of members of the donate partners for a person with AB- blood and explain
8. for what reasons do we render the blood group O as universal donor?
9. Other than transfusion, when is it necessary to take the Rh factor into consideration? Explain
10.observe and commend on the interlink and the overlapping of the operations for the Agglutination and blood mix up