Effects of the diversity within an organization

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Reference no: EM132434614

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 "Diversity determines not only the effects of the diversity within an organization but also the level of openness to dissimilarity characteristics among the organization's members, work groups, and culture" (Patrick and Kumar 2012). Honeywell believes that creating diversity in the workplace is key and that it can prompt respect, understanding and appreciation of different backgrounds and experience. Being a diverse company can bring in new ideas that will allow Honeywell to have a competition advantage over their competitors. It also assists the employees to engage and improve the financial future of the company and help strengths their brand in the global market.

Honeywell believes in creating a diverse workplace and creating an environment that will allow women to start and grow their careers. "As part of our commitment, I have pledged to help empower women in their careers and hold myself and our leaders accountable for progress" (Cooper Keany, 2019). Honeywell offers several different programs to promote women in the workplace. One program is the "Women's Advancement Program, which provides professional development and mentoring opportunities for women aspiring to reach our senior leadership ranks" (Cooper Keany, 2019). The company also recognizes International Women's Day which is a global day to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. "The first observance of a Women's Day was more than 100 years ago in New York, but it has since been adopted by more than 100 countries across the world" (Aerospace Marketing 2019). The Aerospace division of Honeywell celebrate women in the aviation industry and along with the Aero Women's council they celebrate Women of Aviation Worldwide week, International Women's Day and Women's history month. "International Women's Day marks a particularly significant "first" for the aerospace industry. On March 8, 1910, Raymonde de Larouche of France became the first woman to receive her pilot's license" (Aerospace Marketing 2019).

Honeywell is not the only company that is promoting women in the workplace to advance their careers. Nissan Motor Company is committed to equality for women in the workplace and focusing on their careers. "Developing the talents of women is a strategic diversity imperative for business success at Nissan Motor Company in Japan" (Robbins & Judge, 2016, p. 61). In Florida, Grow Financial Credit Union diversity committee held a luncheon for women executives to talk about different diverse skill, abilities, personal development and performance for all employees. "Microsoft is doing to encourage women into technology studies; and forming partnerships with associations like the Society of Women Engineers or the National Minority Supplier Development Council (Robbins & Judge, 2016, p. 60). With more companies taking an interest in diversity in the workplace it they will be successful in a global market.

Diversity can have both negative and positive effects on an organization. "Negative effects can include miscommunication, creation of barriers, and dysfunctional adaptation behaviors" (Martin, 2014, p. 89). Employees from different culture may encounter dysfunctional conflicts that can decrease how employees work together which can lead to poor performance and productivity to decrease. Positive effects are having employees from different cultures have a different way of thinking and different experiences that can benefit the organization. "Another positive effect of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increased tendency of organizational personnel to overcome culture shock as the business expands in other countries and becomes international" (Martin, 2014, p. 90). This is important for many organizations that want to expand into the global market for a smoother transition.

There are three trends: the global market, changing demographics and changing concept of America have made diversity an important issue in our society. The first trend the global market states that our economy relies on the ability to conduct business in other parts of the world. "To ay competitive in the world market, the United States must design products that meet the needs of people from other cultures" (PennState 2017). Organizations need to learn how to market products in other countries which involve inviting diverse people to meetings and negotiations. To sell products worldwide it is important to understand other cultures, their language, needs, wants and customs. The second trend changing demographic shows that the U.S. population is growing and changing in ethnic groups. From 2000 to 2010 the growth in the population was increased by the Hispanic/Latino populations. "Between 2000 and 2050, the White labor force will have a slower growth rate but remain the largest labor force group" (PennState 2017). With the population growing by an estimated 98 million people over the next 46 years:

  • "The Two or More Race population is projected to be the fastest-growing population, increasing from 2.5 to 6.2 percent of the population.
  • The Asian population will be the second fastest growing population and nearly double in size, increasing from 5.4 percent to 9.3 percent.
  • The Hispanic/Latino population will be the largest growing population and is expected to increase by 115 percent.
  • African Americans will grow modestly from 13 to 14 percent.
  • Whites will be the slowest-growing group in the nation. By 2060 Whites are projected to account for 44 percent of the population. The year 2044 is when Whites are expected to comprise less than 50 percent of the population and a "majority minority crossover" will occur.
  • The racial composition of children (under 18) will be markedly different by 2060. At that time it is projected that 36 percent of children will be White and 64 percent will be children of color.
  • The foreign born are expected to account for an increasing share of the total population, growing from 13 percent in 2014 to 19 percent in 2060" (PennState 2017).

The third trend is the changing concept of America which has been called the "melting pot" that was looked upon as one culture, language and lifestyle for everyone. Today, society is being called "mosaic" society and "in a "mosaic" society, individuals maintain their own cultural patterns, such as language, lifestyle, and religious practices." (PennState 2017). People are more open to accepting differences as well as being proud of our culture instead of being ashamed of their differences.

Reference no: EM132434614

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