Effects of social media usage and an individuals mood

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132266731

Paper: Survey Research

There are two parts to your first paper. The first part of your paper will consist of the beginning of a research paper. The topic to address for this paper is the effects of social media usage and an individual's mood.


The first part of your research paper will include the Title, Introduction, Method, Reference and Appendix sections.

Please use the following for each section of your paper:

1. Title (16 words maximum): Create a clear and succinct title for your paper. This should appear on your cover page. You cover page should also include a Running Head.

2. Introduction (2-3 pages): This section needs to include the problem under study, a literature review, and the rationale and hypothesis of the study. The introduction must succinctly provide well-documented evidence of why your research is important. Secondly, this section needs discuss the findings of past research and theories that are related to your study. This indicates that you must have several citations throughout this section from at least five peer-reviewed. Lastly, the introduction should conclude with a clear hypothesis that has been supported by your analysis of past research and theories.

The introduction should include at least. Your hypothesis should include only two variables and must be able to be assessed using one of the following analytic techniques:

3. Method (3 pages): This section should include:

1) Participants: This section should include the sample size and report any demographic variable results. The goal is to tell who was in the sample because this has implications for the generalizability of results. This includes reporting mean and standard deviation for age, and the proportion of persons sampled who identified with various genders, ethnicities, or any other variables that might be important to generalizing the findings. This is NOT the place to whether hypotheses were supported or to provide inferential statistics.

2) Measures: This section should discuss how the variables were measured. It can be helpful to provide sample questions for the reader. If you are using a measure that was established in previous research, you would state that in this section and provide an APA formatted citation to the original study where that measure was published.

3) Procedures: This section should tell the reader how the research was conducted. What form of data collection (e.g., online survey, paper survey, in-person interview, behavioral observation) was used? The steps involved should also be reported with enough detail that another researcher would know how to replicate your study.

2. References: This section must have an appropriate title, be alphabetized, and include an APA-formatted list of all references used. Make sure that every period, space, and words 3.

Appendix: This section needs to include any appendix that you use though out your paper. For example, you can include your measure.

Additional Requirements for the PaperFormatting: Must be in APA format which includes, but is not limited to, proper headings, page numbers, and citations.

Must be five pages and this is not including the Reference page

12-point font in Times New Roman NO typos, spelling errors, or grammar problems



2. Social Media and Depression Symptoms: A Network Perspective by George Aalbers, Richard J. McNally, Alexandre Heeren, Sanne de Wit, and Eiko I. Fried

3. Social Networking and Depression among University Students by Nasir Ahmad, Sajjad Hussain, Nargis Munir

Verified Expert

The digital revolution mixed with intoxicating effect of social media must have created complex landscape. It has undergone explosive growth throughout the last decade, empowering individual throughout the society and across the world.

Reference no: EM132266731

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