Effects of smoking and obesity on long-term cost of health

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133186469

Boss has asked to develop a plan to reduce health care costs for the company. Currently, your company offers employees the choice of an HMO or a PPO. You are aware that one reason health care costs are on the rise in the company has to do with the long-term costs of employee smoking, obesity, and an older workforce. At least 10% of the 350 employees in the company currently smoke (which they have to do outside the building). You believe that at least that many of employees are obese, but that estimate is probably low. The average age of the employees is 52.

1. What can you do legally do to address the health concerns regarding the effects of smoking and obesity on long-term cost of health care for the company? Are there any ethical concerns with what you have identified as being legal to do? Are there any ADA concerns?

2. How can age be taken into consideration in this situation without violating ADEA?

3. What are some other ways to reduce health care costs?

4. How would you communicate this information to your employees?

Reference no: EM133186469

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