Effects of marco-level predictors of crime

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Reference no: EM133516588

Summary on article Assessing the relative effects of Marco-level predictors of crime: A meta-analysis by Travis Pratt and Francis Cullen with the following questions:

1. What are the main arguments of the criminological theory tested in the selected article?

2. The contribution of the selected article to the theory tested.

3. What is the main independent variables used to test this theory?.

4. Whether you would have used other independent variables to test this theory, the variables you would have used, and why.

5. What are the characteristics of the sample and explain if you think other sample would have generated different results, and why.

6. The conclusions of this study.

7. The implications that this study has for policy or practice.

8. Explain how this theory compares and contrast with the theory analyzed in your previous summary to explain criminal behavior.

Reference no: EM133516588

Questions Cloud

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