Reference no: EM133385999
Diversity Climate
•Diversity climate has been defined as "employees' shared perceptions of the policies, practices, and procedures that implicitly and explicitly communicate the extent to which fostering and maintaining diversity and eliminating discrimination is a priority in the organization."
•The influence of diversity climate on turnover intentions was studied in a sample of managerial employees in a national retail organization.
•Positive diversity climates were associated most negatively with turnover intentions among Blacks, followed in order of strength by Hispanics and then Whites.
•Organizational commitment (loyalty to the organization, as discussed) alleviated the effect of race and diversity climate perceptions on turnover intentions.
•In other words, if managers are loyal to the organization, they are less likely to quit even if the diversity climate is poor.
Intentions to Quit
•Results from a sample of 5,370 managers found the effect of a pro-diversity climate was strongest among Blacks.
•Contrary to the hypotheses, however, White men and women exhibited slightly stronger effects than Hispanic personnel.
•These results suggest that a pro-diversity climate is not implemented at the expense of White employees.
•In fact, White men and women were also more likely to indicate lower intentions to quit when they perceived support for diversity.
•Although the strength of the association varied by race, the total effect of diversity climate on turnover intentions was negative across all racial groups.
•Also, organizational commitment may reduce the effects of diversity climate on turnover intentions.
Assignment Instructions
Answer the following questions thoroughly. Provide language and evidence taken directly from the course and course concepts. Define all organizational behavior terms and explain all theories.
1.Explain why organizational commitment (loyalty, as discussed) reduced the effects of a lesser diversity climate on intentions to quit.
2.Were you surprised by the study's findings? Why do you think White managers were also positively affected by diversity climates in their organizations?
3.This study was conducted using a sample of managers in retail organizations. How might the results be the same or different in a manufacturing organization, a hospital, or a university? Explain your answers.