Effectiveness of treatment for sex offenders

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131207355

Possible topic for this research is the effectiveness of treatment for sex offenders

Unit I Project Topic

Throughout this course, you will be working on a research project, in which you will use statistical techniques. You will also be using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint to create charts and tables. In each of the Units I through VI, you will have an assignment related to this research project. Each assignment will be graded on an individual basis and will not be included in the final research project grade. However, each assignment is a part of the final research project paper and must beThroughout this course, you will be working on a research project, in which you will use statistical techniques. You will also be using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint to create charts and tables. In each of the Units I through VI, you will have an assignment related to this research project. submitted via SafeAssign in Unit VII as part of the final version of your research project paper. You will then receive a final grade on your completed research project paper.

For the Unit I Project Topic, you will write a paper of at least two (2) pages explaining to your professor what you plan to research for your research project paper. Be sure to choose a topic that pertains to a leadership or organizational behavior issue.

You are required to use at least two resources to support your ideas. One source must be from the CSU Online Library, and the second source may be the textbook or a reliable source from the Internet. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced appropriately.

If you would like more information on how to use the CSU Online Library, please watch the Success Center's webinar located here.

Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

Reference no: EM131207355

Questions Cloud

List the three major steps in cellular respiration : List the three major steps in cellular respiration. How does the body use the oxygen that we breathe? In other words, what is oxygen's final function? What ATP producing process occurs during anaerobic conditions?
Application that utilizes principle of finite state machine : Think of a digital system application that utilizes the principle of Finite State Machine (FSM). (Example: Traffic light controller)
Addressing income inequity and poverty : How your organization's marginal product is related to its demand for labor. An analysis of the impact that government policies addressing income inequity and poverty could have on labor demand or supply.
Identify the elements of organizational culture : Explain how unconscious elements can either reinforce or contradict the conscious elements of an organization's culture.
Effectiveness of treatment for sex offenders : Throughout this course, you will be working on a research project, in which you will use statistical techniques. You will also be using Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint to create charts and tables. In each of the Units I through VI, you will have an..
Compare five cell organelle from either plant or animal cell : Compare 5 cell organelles from either a plant or animal cell to a system or organization (ex. family, company, computer, factory, etc.) Make an analogy to a cell organelle and a function within the system or organization.
Describe what stood out for you as you watched recio : Keeping in mind what you have been learning about child guidance and prosocial skills, describe what stood out for you as you watched Recio and other teachers interacting with children, family members, and each other, and explain why.
Explain what role those caps play : BULAW5914 - Explain what role those caps play in limiting the extent of possible tort liability (considered in question 1) that might be owed to the injured users.
How do red and white blood cells differ in function : How do red and white blood cells differ in function? Identify the different types of white blood cells and their functions. No cutting and pasting. Post your answer in the appropriate topic.


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