Effectiveness of the physical and environmental security

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13759460

Evaluate the effectiveness of the physical and environmental security measures that the organization you researched used in regard to protecting its assets. Indicate improvements to the organization's security measures where applicable. Justify your response.
Consider a scenario where a financial company, whose management harbors concerns about its immature security posture, has quickly expanded its operations into multiple locations throughout the U.S. Indicate where you believe the company should begin in its securing process with the top-three (3) logical security measures and top-three (3) physical security measures that most concern to you. Justify the main reasons why you believe that the six (6) measures indicated are so critical.

Research the Internet for the physical and environmental security measures taken by an organization of your choice. Also, read the NIST publication of Security Guide for Interconnecting Information Technology Systems and Physical and Environmental Security.

Reference no: EM13759460

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