Effectiveness of online security

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM1379520

Question: Six months ago a toy corporation started to sell their items on the internet. Over this time period traffic to the website has raised substantially but few consumers have made online purchases. The company decided to survey their customers to identify the reasons for the lack of online purchases. The results of the survey found that many of the customers were new to the internet and therefore unsure of the effectiveness of online security and uncomfortable providing their credit card and other personal information.

The company has decided to add information to its website explaining the variety of security measures that are in place to protect information used to make purchases on the internet. Your assignment is to create that company statement which explains the security precautions that internet companies take and ease customer's fears about making online purchases.

Reference no: EM1379520

Questions Cloud

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Effectiveness of online security : Six months ago a toy corporation started to sell their items on the internet. Over this time period traffic to the website has raised substantially but few consumers have made online purchases.
Determine the rang of usable ip addresses : Determine the rang of usable IP addresses for the following IP subnet also determine the bradcast address for the subnet?
Security and data protection systems : Determine what fault tolerance, security, and information protection systems and procedures do you recommend be instituted on and for the corporation's network from the hypothetical condition below?
Supporting a transmission system : A transmission system operates at sixteen MHz. The power output is 1 W and .1 Watt is needed at the receiver. The receiver is located one hundred meters from the transmitter.
Comprehensive network installation plan : Determine the main steps that should be included in a comprehensive network installation plan. In your opinion, what are the 2most important steps in ensuring success of the network?


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