Effectively managing your time and budget

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM131314825

Question :

Developing a Plan for Success


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The purpose of this assignment is to help you reflect on what you''ve learned in this orientation and develop a plan for success to achieve your goals. This assignment will also help you prepare for and get the most out of your first phone conversation with your academic coach.

Completing your program requires more than just academic skills. It also includes:

Understanding the academic requirements of your program.

Effectively managing your time and budget.

Enlisting the support of others both inside and outside Capella, such as family, friends, colleagues, classmates, or faculty.

Maintaining your motivation by revisiting your goals and purpose for completing your program.

Assignment Instructions

Step 1: Check the scoring guide.

Open the Developing a Plan for Success Scoring Guide in the resources to see how this assignment will be graded.

Step 2: Complete the assignment.

Open the Developing a Plan for Success Worksheet in the resources and follow the directions to complete it.

Save your completed worksheet as a Word document to your computer using the following title: u02a1_Your Name.

Step 3: Submit your assignment.

In the assignment area, click Browse My Computer to locate and attach your document to this assignment.

Step 4: Review your feedback.

You will see an alert in your Course Updates when your assignment has been graded.

Verified Expert

This includes below points:- Understanding the academic requirements of your program. Effectively managing your time and budget. Enlisting the support of others both inside and outside college such as family, friends, colleagues, classmates, or faculty. Maintaining your motivation by revisiting your goals and purpose for completing your program.

Reference no: EM131314825

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12/22/2016 4:39:57 AM

Hi, It was fascinating perusing the paper and if there is anything I can do please let me (I was thinking about whether there was a way I can rate your work since you fulfilled me a client). Much appreciated. Best Regards


12/22/2016 4:39:23 AM

Hi, I know i have to write by myself To see your grade and instructor feedback, complete the following: Click My Grades. Click the Graded tab. Click on the assignment and then open the scoring guide.

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