Effectively facilitate remote collaboration

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133481405

Step 1: Review the scenario from the Week 3 and 7 Assignments.

Case Scenario: Your organization recently shifted to remote work. Since that time, you have heard complaints from a few co-workers concerning the lack of collaboration tools and difficulty effectively collaborating in a remote environment. You also know that your supervisor has recently received a number of complaints concerning the company's online collaboration tools. Because of these complaints, your supervisor is in search of technology that can be used to effectively facilitate remote collaboration.

Your co-worker recently left you a voicemail message expressing extreme frustration with the lack of collaboration tools and has asked if there is something that can be done to help the organization select and implement a collaboration tool. As a team leader and as part of the task force researching collaboration tools, you have been asked to present on one collaborative tool - providing context on the tool and the advantages of adopting the tool. Your goal is to convince the leadership team to adopt one collaborative tool for use throughout the organization.

Step 2: Use the speech outline you created in Week 7 to develop your speech.

Step 3: Practice your speech.

Step 4: Record your speech in Kaltura.

Reference no: EM133481405

Questions Cloud

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Analysis situation in community settings : How can we calm the personality disorder at gp clinic when they get angry on something. how we can analysis this situation in community settings.
Effectively facilitate remote collaboration : Your co-worker recently left you a voicemail message expressing extreme frustration with the lack of collaboration tools
Analyze the relationship between how employees think : analyze the relationship between how employees think (espoused organizational culture and beliefs) and how they behave (actions). Describe what you believe
Enhancing the self-esteem of their children : Offering praise is one way that parents do this. However, can parents praise too much? Why or why not
What the tradeoffs and potential benefits are there : States what kinds of risk-taking and experiments might you be able to undertake What the tradeoffs and potential benefits are there Describes the planning
Explain how you engaged with your sources critically : Describe how the research assisted you in extracting information from your sources which you cited in your research paper.


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