Effective ways of communicating learning

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13261103

Write an approx 800 word article/story/piece reflecting on the most significant perspective change YOU had so far during this course. It may be from the book, lectures, TED Talks, Choice Assignments, or any other experience related to the course. The goal is to make it compelling in some way. How can you best communicate the perspective shift and learning that you've had?

Some notes to help you out:

- If it was noteworthy to you, it likely is interesting to others too , so try to figure out why you thought it was cool - going deeper is usually more interesting than simple observations.

- Personal stories are often very effective ways of communicating learning; Consider discussing the shift's impact on your life and choices - those are tangible manifestations of the change.

- Remember the goals of the course - perhaps there's a way to relate it to your personal vision of contribution or the interconnectedness of things.

- Give some thought to the best style to use - it's not necessarily an essay. Make sure the medium & method suit the message.

- Consider taking your "finished writing" to a writing clinic or coach and getting some feedback on how to improve it. Likely you'll find that this "finished" draft can be improved a lot.

Reference no: EM13261103

Questions Cloud

Determine minimum bandwidth needed to transmit final data : In a satellite radio system, 128 stations of stereo quality are to be packaged in one data stream. For each station, two(left and right) signals of bandwidth 15,000 hz are sampled, quantized, and binary coded into PCM signals.
What is the incremental costs associated with producing : Suppose this action will increase sales to 300,000 jars of sauce. What is the incremental costs associated with producing an extra 72,500 jars of sauce?
Find the inverse laplace transforms of the functions : 1- find the inverse Laplace transforms of the following functions: A- f1(s)= 50(s+10)/((s+5)(s+20)) b- f2(s)= (2s^2)((s+200)(s+500)) 2- find the inverse Laplace transforms of the following functions and sketch their waveforms for β >0 : a- f1(s)= (β(..
What is the pressure in the artery : At a given instant, the blood pressure in the heart is 1.8 x 104 Pa. If an artery in the brain is 0.37 m above the heart, what is the pressure in the artery
Effective ways of communicating learning : If it was noteworthy to you, it likely is interesting to others too , so try to figure out why you thought it was cool - going deeper is usually more interesting than simple observations.
Which organizational officer is directly responsible : Which organizational officer is directly responsible for managing a company's cash and funds invested in various marketable securities?
Which organizational officer is directly responsible : Which organizational officer is directly responsible for managing a company's cash and funds invested in various marketable securities?
What is the height of the image produced by the lens : A 2.3cm high object is located 30cm from a diverging lens, whose focal length is 14cm. What is the height of the image produced by the lens
Work full time at a local accounting firm : Take a summer class which will cost $800 and work half time making $1,100 per month.


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