Reference no: EM133212945
The question 1
Understanding organisational culture is a key skill in effective professional development, and this understanding is an enabler towards greater adaptability and initiative.
a. Briefly define organisational culture. Discuss, using evidence from academic literature, how culture manifests itself in organisations, including, for example, how it may be recognised, analysed and assessed. Your answer should refer to established tools and techniques available which can be used to inform these areas. You may use examples to illustrate your answer. (Include all references and citations( books, web,journals etc)
b. Using the theories, tools and techniques you have discussed in part a. above, conduct an analysis of the culture in your own organisation (or your own department if you wish). Comment reflectively on how you feel the culture you have analysed contributes positively or negatively to your professional development .
Guidance notes for Question.
In answering part a., you are first asked to define a technical term. To answer this well, you should offer more than one definition and be able to argue which is the most appropriate based on your factual reasoning (not your opinion). There is a balance to be achieved here because this part of the question asks you to be brief - a couple of paragraphs at maximum. You are demonstrating that you can search for a few definitions and very briefly argue why one of them is best. There is no right answer; it is your reasoning that is being tested.
The rest of the question, Better answers will demonstrate the ability to search for related material that can be the subject of evaluation. Again, there are no right answers; you must argue your case based on searched evidence.
Plan the structure and flow :
Conclude by summing up the main points very briefly.
Add references in Harvard style both in the text and in a reference list (not a bibliography).
If you use examples always do it to support theory, not the other way around.... Write the theory - explain it - illustrate with example. Do not lead with the example to try to explain theory.
In answering part b. Focus is on the application of theory. You've explained and demonstrated understanding of theory in part a. so don't repeat this - part b. is about demonstrating that you can apply it in practice.
You should decide the tools and techniques you use - There is no right answer -You can choose your whole organisation, or, if this is too big, choose your department or subsidiary - just as long as you have a deep awareness of the culture that exists.
The second part of the question requires you to be reflective. Reflective writing is different because you can talk about yourself in the first person... I did this or I felt that...etc. This is the only part of the assessment where you should write in the first person. Remember that the most important part of reflective writing is the expression of feelings.