Effective partnership relationship between management

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Reference no: EM131258799 , Length: word count:3000

Employee Relations Assessment

Read the following scenario and prepare a comprehensive report based on the task guidelines.

Nasser Al Busaidi started a carrier company in Muscat in 2007 with just OMR. 5,000 and three employees. He developed the company to the tune of OMR100 million turnover and 300 employees by 2016. He wants to expand the operations of the company to new towns and also to new customers. The company had always paid higher salaries and provided better benefits than comparable employers in the city. But, he found that his employees wanted to form a union, even though he offers higher salaries. One day Nasser was overhearing the conversation of employees about the formation of union in the company. He thought for a while and got disappointed immediately as he has been one of the good pay master; but yet he could not get the maximum contribution, commitment and support of the employees. He spent whole night thinking of the possible problem. He got into a different psychological state and started thinking of how he could make use of the situation for the betterment of the company. He got an idea that he should inspire the employees to form a union and let the union demand for still higher salaries. Immediately he implemented the idea and encouraged the employees to form a union. His idea worked well. Quite a surprise to the expectations of the employees, Nasser inaugurated the union and encouraged the union to make their demands. Trade Union leaders after a year met the CEO with a charter of demands. He made a counter proposal while appreciating the union leaders for their charter of demands. His counter proposal includes additional contribution and commitment from employees side for every riyal of hike in salaries and benefits. Trade union leaders appreciated and accepted the counter proposal made by the CEO. Nasser encouraged trade union leaders to enlighten employees and enhance their deficiencies for higher wants and better life.

Note: It is permissible to make assumptions by adding to the scenario details given above provided its essence is neither changed nor undermined in any way by what is added.


- Using research evidence, critically evaluate the key factors for an effective partnership relationship between management and a trade union.
- Critically analyse Nasser's strategy of encouraging employees to form a trade union.
- How important is the trade union movement in today's world? Support your argument by considering the aims of the trade union movement and its impact on staff and employers using extensive literature review.


Your work will be graded on the following aspects:

This is an Individual Assignment and carries a 50% weighting of the module grade.

The assignment MUST be submitted on-line (through MOVE) on or before the________

Your assignment shall reflect the depth and breadth of your original analyses in a clear and coherent manner.

Use relevant academic literature to support ideas and issues discussed. The range of academic sources such as texts and journals to be used to support your arguments and comments.

Any reference to authors and other writers shall be quoted with due acknowledgement in your assignment report using the Harvard Referencing System.Refer your Student Handbook section 7.2 for further information on Harvard referencing Style.

This assignment follows a report format and must be original and creative. An analytical piece of work is required. The use of ‘cut and paste' approach will be penalized. It must be presented in a structured manner, with appropriate cover page, content page, introduction, body (with appropriate heading / sub-headings), conclusion, references, page numbered and any required appendices.

Your report should be word processed and professionally presented. The length of your report should be between 3000 - 3500 words, presented in text of font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. Please state the exact word count at the end of the assignment.

The cover page should be attached with the assignment and uploaded through MOVE (on-line). Name of the student, The Programme, Module Title, Assignment Title and word count must be reflected on the cover sheet.

All assignments must be adhered strictly to the deadlines specified by Majan College. Failure to hand in the assignment for any reason and without prior approval and a valid written extension from the module tutor will not be marked and will be awarded a grade G (0) irrespective of the quality of the work. See student's handbook section 4.4.

Unacknowledged use of work of others (plagiarism) is regarded as a dishonest practice and will be will be penalized. See the penalties in the student's handbook section 5.7.

Attachment:- ER Assignment Briefing.rar

Reference no: EM131258799

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Effective partnership relationship between management : Using research evidence, critically evaluate the key factors for an effective partnership relationship between management and a trade union - Critically analyse Nasser's strategy of encouraging employees to form a trade union.
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