Effective means of communicating to stakeholders

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131292642

Reporting Assignment

Look up a (1) sustainability/social responsibility report (make sure it has a section that specifically targets sustainability issues). The companies that have them post them online. It may be a section of their annual report or a completely separate report. Answer the following questions. Feel free to put specific examples from the reports to illustrate your answers. We will discuss your findings in class.
Please include the link to the report below.

Report link:

Questions to respond to:

Do they mention that they use the GRI framework? Did they tell you what version they used?

Did they report specific quantifiable results or was it very general?

What was some of the important sustainability information that they used (note, you don't have to report everything they reported on if they had a very comprehensive report, but just focus on what you think was the most important information)? Why do you think this information was important?

Was there any information that surprised you, why?

Did they report on initiatives that they fell short on?

What information would you like to have seen?

Did they do a good job overall, why or why not?

Do you think stakeholders would pay attention to this report, what stakeholder groups do you think would pay the most attention and which the least?

Do you think this is an effective means of communicating to stakeholders?

Verified Expert

GRI frame work compliant report of White wave Foods Limited is selected for analysis and discussion in the current report. Different aspects of the report are critically analyzed and the observations are presented in the report.

Reference no: EM131292642

Questions Cloud

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11/28/2016 1:37:41 AM

I am grading this based on thoroughness of answering questions, critical analysis (don't just take the company for their word, is there anything you would question or anything that doesn't seem to fit the company?), and readability.

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