Effective illustration of arguments with examples

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Reference no: EM133646727 , Length: word count:2000

International Selling and Negotiation

Task 1: Written Assignment (max 2000 words).

In this assignment, the student selects a product and researches it by reflecting on each of the selling cycles stages. The purpose of this report is to help the student prepare for selling the product to potential buyers. The report will have 3 broad sections. The first section will introduce the product (an image or a weblink may be useful), states why it was selected and highlight the importance of sales cycles. In the main section the student will report on each step of the sales cycle (Futtrell's or any other detailed one). In the last section, the conclusion, the student will comment on the benefit of the exercise and what may need further work to prepare for possible challenges that may be faced at the presentation day (i.e., Task 2).

The report will have a reference section (Harvard style) and, if needed, an appendix (e.g. for extra details). Although the maximum number of words is 2000 words, the purpose is quality not quantity. Hence the report may address all requirement without reaching this maximum number of words.

Your arguments should be supported by concepts/models from the course and illustrating them with examples. Critical evaluations (e.g., pros and cons analyses, ethical values etc.) attract higher points.

Further Directions
The report should be concise with minimum repetitions. It should be clearly organized (intro, main part and conclusion).
References to theory should be included, with definition of concepts, and fully Harvard referenced in the list of references.
All non-key, but helpful information (e.g. details of models or research findings) should be put in an appendix section with numbers and titles and referred to in the text
List of references and contents of appendices are not included in the word count.
State the number of words for the report in the first page.

The marking criteria for this assignment are:

Clear demonstration of use of selling concepts/theory.

Good explanation of concepts/model used.

Effective illustration of arguments with examples.

Demonstration of reflection and critical analysis

Coherent and logical structure and good use of language

Appropriate Harvard referencing

TASK 2: Sales Pitch


Having completed the sales' plan (selling cycle), the next assessment for the student is to develop and deliver a presentation. The presentation should last around 2 mins (+ or - 15 second). The video should briefly go through the sales cycle steps that lead up to the presentation, then give a presentation with a simulation of objections, negotiations and closing the sales.
The presentation will have all the expected sales cycle steps and should be structured as follows:
Introduction (based on prospecting): say who you are and why you are here (how you found your client/s? relevance of your product/service to the company)
Clarify the process of the presentation (based on call planning and approach) (e.g., your earlier interactions advised on the appropriate type of presentation? How will you structure the presentation?)
Communicating/presenting the sales message (4) (i.e. role-play presentation) (most of the time should be spent on this stage). Remember to refer to the FABs (e.g. a table).
Objections & Negotiations for win-win solutions (5, 6, 7 & 8 in Futrell) (e.g. highlight one or two main objections raised and how you will address it)
Closing the sale and follow-up (9 & 10 in Futrell) (here you may highlight briefly what has been agreed).
Reflections and concluding remarks on the process (quick views on how it went and what you will do in the future)

"a", "b" (up to 25 sec) and "c" (around 1.15 minute) can be "in the role" (i.e. simulate a live presentation)
"d" and "e" can be a clip showing comments about objections raised, your response to address them and final agreement (Up to 20 secs).
"f" is a commentary on the whole presentation (up to 15 secs).
The assessors will stop watching the presentation at 2 min 15 secs.

Choose a product and research and do a report by reflecting on each selling cycle. Introduce the product, giving reason why chosen the product and benefit of the exercise and what may need further work to prepare for possible challenges that may be faced at the presentation. Reference section Harvard style

Reference no: EM133646727

Questions Cloud

Discuss objectives on how you would create a new mls team : Discuss objectives on how you would create a new MLS team for a city near you (it should be a large enough city to support an MLS team).
Explain what will help the business become more profitable : Explain what will help the business become more profitable. Explain what will help the business get the best deal for the company in union negotiations.
How important is division of labor to a capitalist economy : How important is the division of labor to a capitalist economy? What are some examples of division of labor and specialization from your personal experiences?
How business or organization executes the 3 competencie : How this business or organization executes the 3 competencies you chose. Provide enough details for someone outside the company to understand your analysis.
Effective illustration of arguments with examples : Comment on the benefit of the exercise and what may need further work to prepare for possible challenges that may be faced at the presentation day
Identify five types of crises man-made or natural disasters : Identify at least 5 types of crises, man-made or natural disasters, and at least 5 best practices to lead a team through a crisis.
What do you feel could be effective approach : What do you feel could be an effective approach/analysis that project management should/could use when addressing a challenge?
Describe the customer service experience : Describe the customer service experience in detail. What were your expectations and how were they or were they not met?
How is leadership different from power : How is leadership different from power? What are the similarities and differences among the five bases of power?



2/21/2024 11:14:54 PM

Choose a product and research and do a report by reflecting on each selling cycle. Introduce the product, giving reason why chosen the product and benefit of the exercise and what may need further work to prepare for possible challenges that may be faced at the presentation. Reference section Harvard style . Support by concepts and models and illustrate with examples. Include critical evaluation.

Write a Review

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