Reference no: EM131563124
Chaplin's Modern Times and Lang's Metropolis are completely different productions from both genre and production stand points. One is a dramatic silent German science fiction film, while the other is an amusing early-sound English production.
However, they are similar in that they both include effective examples of labor and industrialization.
Using the course's text, the additional reading for this week, and specific examples from both films, compare and contrast the depictions of labor and industry found in 'Modern Times' and 'Metropolis'.
Also, even though both films were made before the end of WWII, they seem to have some of the attributes that we will eventually associate with "Film Noir". Highlight these attributes in both films using the "Handy Film Noir Infographic" from week 1.
Your response should include a clever title, introduction, thesis statement, no fewer than four body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Be sure to include correctly formatted citations and a works cited page.
Reading : Part II : Silent Cinema ,Chapter 3 : Early cinema