Effective consulting research methods report

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Reference no: EM13831023

Effective Consulting Research Methods Report


You have been contracted by a company to hire the next chief executive officer (CEO). The company has given you ten potential candidates for the position of chief executive officer (CEO), but it wants you to first gather data on the executives to help determine the best candidate. The candidates have been engaged in coaching and have also taken an emotional intelligence (EI) test. You suspect that variables such as years of experience as an executive, months of coaching, and years of education will all contribute to the scores on the emotional intelligence (EI) test, as well as the success of the right candidate. In this case, the higher the emotional intelligence (EI) score, the better. More business experience, higher education, more months with a coach, and higher emotional intelligence (EI) test scores indicate the better candidates. We are assuming the company has offered coaching in the past. The data of the emotional intelligence (EI) test conducted on the candidates is given in the table below:

Years of Experience in Business

Level of Education

# of Months in Coaching

Emotional Intelligence (EI) Test Scores










































Need a 7 page essay with 5 scholarly sourcesfor company leadership. Complete the following to include in the report:

  • Perform a multiple regression analysis. On the basis of the results and the scholarly literature regarding predictors of chief executive officer's (CEO's) performance, recommend the best candidate and justified your choice.
  • Describe the statistical analyses used and the multiple regressions that is best suited for this type of measurement.
  • Determine the best predictors of the emotional intelligence (EI) test scores.
  • Identify other external variables that could influence one's choice and explained why.
  • Offer additional recommendations in regard to the variables used and your findings.
  • Identify any ethical and diversity issues that may affect the selection process.

Reference no: EM13831023

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