Effect of integration of logistics

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13853394

Dissertation topic

The effect of integration of logistics and supply chain management of Maternal, Newborn and child health (MNCH) commodities at Primary Health Care service delivery points.

Introduction/ Background

To understand how integration of logistics and supply chain management of MNCH commodities improves the continuum of care for MNCH services at the service delivery point

Aim of the research

To examine how integration of logistics and supply chain management of MNCH commodities can lead to improved services for MNCH at service delivery points

Objectives of the dissertation

The objective of the study is to assess the extent to which integration of logistics and supply chain management of MNCH health commodities will contribute to quality of care in health facilities.

Specific research questions include:

• To determine areas of integration for maternal, newborn and child health commodities supply chain management

• To establish if integration of supply chain management of maternal, newborn and child health commodities will impact on MNCH services at service delivery points

• To the extent possible, the study will try to disaggregate the contribution of integration of logistics and supply chain management toward improvements in MNCH services at services delivery points, from the contribution of other MNCH program activities in the facilities.

• Has MNCH services improved in facilities since the initiation of integration of logistics and supply chain management in the areas of:

• Inventory management

• Warehousing and distribution

• Transportation of MNCH essential Health commodity supply

Comments from supervisor: Too many? What is the focus, in a central research question? This is rather vague and unfocused. (can you suggest a better focussed research question)

Identification of relevant literature/ Summary

Proposed methodology and analysis

A quantitative method will be used to get a comprehensive picture of integration of logistics and supply chain management's contribution to improved MNCH services at services delivery points will include:

• A desk review of integration related documentation

• Modelling integration issues in logistics and supply chain management of MNCH commodities

Ethical considerations

While no physical risk will be associated with study participation, all efforts will be made to ensure confidentiality of responses, and reduce any discomfort participants may feel as a result of their participation.

Develop a proposal bearing in mind the comments below highlighted and above

A good start, if limited, but you now need to work up the final proposal. It needs a literature review, and do ensure that you use the Harvard system in constructing the bibliography and referencing. This is your platform of understanding for the work to come, so it needs to be as thorough as possible


What is needed?


Literature review

Research question and methodology - why selected, how it will answer the question as asked, what access to people/organisations is required, and is access guaranteed.

Foreseen limitations

Research schedule/Timeline


You need to think of what the methodology will be before considering resources needed

Verified Expert

Reference no: EM13853394

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