Edit the given research paper

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Reference no: EM131181289

Edit the given Research Paper.

The Research Paper is about the history of sugar.

The production and discovery of sugar have grasped civilizations by its amazing taste and capabilities.Sugars effect on farming changed how the Americas farm to this day,and has also created huge trade exchanges between continents and countries .

One of the main reasons for slavery to exist for so long in the Americas was because of sugars high demand and plantation owners search for more sustainable workers.It changed how we eat and how we use our world's resources.

It led the way for modern innovations in sugar cultivation and has given us more than sweetness. Sugar has helped scientists formulate new types of fuels which could be created through sugar cane. Sugar has also sparked major events in the course of history and is has a major impact on civilizations.

The Complete Paper is attached:

Attachment:- History of Sugar.rar

Reference no: EM131181289

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