Reference no: EM13350694
Economics of environmental policy in turkey: A general equilibrium investigation of the economic evaluation of sectorial emission reduction policies for climate change. Journal of Policy Modelling, 30, 321-340.
"We turn to implementing alternative environmental policy scenarios using our modelling framework. In what follows, we will group policy interventions into two broad categories: first, we will implement quota and tax based instruments with no additional abatement investments. That is the production-emission structure of the economy remains as it is. The environmental tax revenues is administered through the central fiscal budget with no further design on investments to change the energy use and production structure of the economy. Under second categorization, a more active environmental policy stance is taken and the implemented policy instruments are complemented with an active abatement investment policy. The abatement investment is funded either from environmental tax revenues or from other sources, such as foreign credit and/or national savings."
"What will the economic impacts of maintaining lower CO2 emissions in the aggregate for the Turkish economy?"
"CGE analysis of alternative environmental policy scenarios:
• Implement carbon emission quotas directly
• Economic effects of taxing energy input use in production
• Environmental policy instruments with abatement investments
• Abatement investments affecting capital accumulation
• Abatement investments under tax-financing versus foreign aid policies"
• In this journal, it focuses on possible policies and its effects when applying taxes and quotas on production whose energy usage. Therefore, it will be used to explain possible outcomes and to support policies that how it can contribute on aggregate production and GDP in Turkey.