Economic structure and possible future actions of opec

Assignment Help Microeconomics
Reference no: EM1374425

You have been contracted by an economic consulting firm to determine the economic structure and possible future actions of OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.

Using the Library, the Internet, and your course materials, find websites that offer this information and answer the following questions (Perloff, 2004).

Describe the difference between a monopoly and an oligopoly,and a cartel.
Provide an example of a monopoly, an oligopoly, and a cartel.
Discuss the welfare effects of monopolies and oligopolies.
Explain the game theory.
Using your own words, discuss the economic purpose of OPEC. What has happened to oil prices over the past five years?
Based on your answers to the above questions, synthesize the information you have gathered and tell the economic consulting firm which actions you think OPEC will take over the next year.
Summarize your research findings in 2 to 4 pages.


Reference no: EM1374425

Questions Cloud

Cost curves in perfect competition industry : Catfish farming in Louisiana is a perfect competition market. Hence, customers of catfish are getting their catfish at the minimum cost per unit of manufacturing catfish, and they are very happy.
Use a diagram to show demand curve and marginal revenue : Northern Granite Corporation, a corporation in New England, installs granite counter tops in houses. When it 1st entered the business, price per foot for installing a granite counter top was $180 per square foot,
Find the price and quantity for maximum sales revenue : The market demand function of a company is given by 8P + Q - 64 = 0, and the company's average cost function takes the form AC = 8/Q + 6 - 0.4Q + 0.08Q2.
Explain gdp changes by supply and demand : The aggregate demand curve slopes decrease, because when the price level is reduce, people can afford to purchase more, and aggregate demand increase.
Economic structure and possible future actions of opec : You have been contracted by an economic consulting company to estimate the economic structure and possible future actions of OPEC, Organization of Petroleum Exporting nations.
Explain the money multiplier and money creation process : Identify and describe the effects of a change in money supply on the interest rate. Explain the money multiplier and the money creation process.
Question about money multiplier : Suppose that the banking system is in reserve equilibrium. The Fed conducts an open market buy of Treasury securities in the value of $1 billion.
Find the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity : Assume that the demand and supply curves for eggs for the United States are given through the following equations:
Economy from one long run macroeconomic equilibruium : Using aggregate demand, short run aggregate supply, and long run aggregate supply curves, describe the process through which each government policies will move economy from one long run macroeconomic equilibruium to another.


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